Photo of the day
Ambrose McMillan Reeve-- Rama--1965
Ambrose McMillan Reeve-- Rama--1965

    Orillia Times April 18, 1884

    Your correspondent thought it was about time, after such a long winter, to let you know what is being done at this busy little village. Mr. Thompson of Longford Lumber Company. Has just returned from a visit to the principle lumber districts, including Albany and New York, and since his return, has made sales of all the lumber held over from last season, in all, about nine million feet, at figures lower than last year. Although lower the indications are, the trade is still healthy condition, as he has already had several offers and many inquiries for the cut of this season, which will be about 15 million. The lath and shingles are already closed out and shipping has commenced and the ice in Lake St. John is pretty near out. The mills are now about repaired and will commence to saw about the first of May.  Mill hands are being engaged and the present prospect is, labourers will be plentiful although a large number are required. Those in want of work should apply at once.

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