Events of 1861 to 1900
1861 – the final settlement survey of Rama was completed by Mr. Dennis.
1864- Hurricane in Mara- read full article ‘Hurricane in Mara’
1866- Mitchell’s Directory of Mara/Rama—see full listing
1867 – Canada West was given the name of the Province of Ontario. It was one of four
Provinces at the time of Canadian Confederation, on July 1, 1867.
– The first saw mill in Rama was Trenouth’s, upon the Black River.
1868- Longford Saw Mill opens- see full article ‘The Longford Saw Mill’
1869- Rama Township became a Municipal Corporation and separated from Mara,
Opening of the Rama Canal—see the article ‘Opening of the Rama Canal’
Opening of the Atherly Flouring Mills—see full article ‘Atherly Flour Mill’
St. Andrew’s R.C. Church opens in Brechin, read full article ‘St. Andrew’s’
The 1869-70 Connor & Coltson Directory of Mara and Rama, see complete list
1868- Knox Presbyterian Church built in Gamebridge- see full story ‘Knox Presbyterian’
1873- Lawrence school opens- see article ‘History of Lawrence School’
1895- Atherly Methodist Church opens—see full article ‘1895 Atherly Methodist
Atherly United Church opens-see full story ‘Atherly United Church-1895’
1889- Land purchased for Brechin Methodist Church- see full story ‘Brechin United
Centennial History’
1900- Udney United Church built- see story ‘Udney United Church History’