Photo of the day
# 8 Lawrence 1932
# 8 Lawrence 1932

    The Expositor
    Friday, October 9th, 1868

    The Mara and Rama Branch Agricultural Society held its annual Fall Show at Atherley, on Thursday, the first instant. We were unable to attend, but we are informed that the show was in every respect equal, and in many classes superior, to those of former years. The weather was fine, and there were a large number of visitors in attendance. Below we give the prize list:–

    Brood Mare with foal at her foot:
    1st, Noah Thompson; 2nd, J. St. Clair; 3rd, Thos. Whipps.
    Span of Horses:
    1st, George Southern; 2nd, J. St. Clair; 3rd, James McPherson.
    Saddle Horse:
    1st, Alex Kennedy; 2nd, Wm. Ritchie; 3rd, James Ritchie.
    Two year old Colt or Filly:
    1st, Alex Muir; 2nd Lachlan McKenzie; 3rd, Geo. Southern.
    One year old Colt or Filly:
    1st, Thos. Nellis; 2nd, Wm. Kelly; 3rd, Cornelius Doyle
    Foal of 1868:
    1st, Noah Thompson; 2nd Lachlan McKenzie; 3rd, J. St. Clair.

    Bull, any age, above 1 year old:
    1st, Martin Kelly; 2nd, James Smith.
    Yearling Bull:
    1st, John Brooking; 2nd, Edward Lawrence; 3rd, Alex. McKinnon.
    Milch Cow:
    1st, Rev. Mr. Campbell; 2nd, Thos. Whipps; 3rd, Alex McKinnon
    Two year old Heifer:
    1st, Thos. Whipps; 2nd, D. McDonald; 3rd, Hugh McKinnon
    One year old Heifer:
    1st, Wm. Boulton; 2nd, Thos. Whipps; 3rd, Jas. McPherson.
    Yoke of Oxen:
    1st, Donald McDonald; 2nd, Thos. Kelly; 3rd, Donald McDonald.
    Yoke 4 year old Steers:
    1st, Lachlan McDonald; 2nd, John Lee; 3rd, Jas. Smith.
    Yoke 3 year old Steers:
    1st, Jas. St. Clair; 2nd, Peter Thompson; 3rd, R. Lee.
    Yoke 2 year old Steers:
    1st, Hugh McKinnon; 2nd, Peter Thompson; 3rd, Oliver Thompson.
    Yoke of Yearling Steers:
    1st, Geo. Southern; 2nd, Andrew Dudenhoffer; 3rd, Peter Thompson.
    Bull Calf of 1868:
    1st, Alex Kennedy; 2nd, Wm. McPhee; 3rd, Thomas Kelly.
    Heifer Calf of 1868:
    1st, Thos. Whipps; 2nd, Peter Thompson.

    Ram, any age over 1 year:
    1st, James Smith; 2nd, Geo. Southern; 3rd, James Mahoney.
    Shearling Ram:
    1st, Donald McDonald; 2nd, John Fox; 3rd, Lachlan McDonald.
    Ram Lamb:
    1st, Wm. Boulton; 2nd, Thomas Whipps; 3rd, Donald McDonald.
    Ewe having raised a lamb this year:
    1st, George Southern; 2nd, Thomas Whipps; 3rd, Donald McDonald.
    Shearling Ewe:
    1st, Wm. Boulton; 2nd, Wm. Boulton; 3rd, Donald McDonald.
    Ewe Lamb:
    1st, Thos. Whipps; 2nd, Donald McDonald; 3rd, Wm. Boulton.

    1st, Thos. Whipps.
    1st, Jas. Smith; 2nd, Andrew Dudenhoffer; 3rd, Wm. Boulton.
    Spring Boar:
    1st, Maurice O’Connell; 2nd, Alex. Dudenhoffer; 3rd, Jas. Smith.
    Spring Sow:
    1st, John O’Donnell; 2nd, Jas. Burgher; 3rd, Maurice O’Connell.

    Two Bushels Fall Wheat:
    1st. Thomas McNulty; 2nd, Wm. Boulton; 3rd, Thomas Kelly.
    Spring Wheat:
    1st, Richard Lee; 2nd, Thomas McNulty; 3rd, Thos. Whipps.
    1st, Dominick Heslin; 2nd, James Burgher; 3rd, Maurice O’Donnell.
    Common Barley:
    1st, Jas. Burgher.
    Common Peas:
    1st, Maurice O’Connell; 2nd, Wm. Boulton; 3rd, Jas. McPherson.
    Half Bushel Corn in Ear:
    1st, Thomas Kelly; 2nd, Alex. Leith; 3rd, John W. Steel.

    5 lbs. Butter:
    1st, Peter Thompson; 2nd, Oliver Thompson; 3rd, James Heslin.
    10 lbs Cheese:
    1st, John McDonald; 2nd, John McDonald.

    Two Bushels Potatoes:
    1st, Thos. Kelly; 2nd, B. Duffy; 3rd, Andrew Dudenhoffer.
    One Bushel Turnips:
    1st, Oliver Thompson; 2nd, Martin Healy; 3rd, Jas. Burgher.
    One Bushel Carrots:
    1st, Jas. Burgher, 2nd, James McPherson, 3rd, Henry Whitney.
    One Bushel Mangold Wurtzel:
    1st, H. Whitney; 2nd, Wm. Boulton; 3rd, James Burgher.

    6 Heads Cabbage:
    1st, Henry Whitney; 2nd, Thomas Kelly.
    Twelve Beets:
    1st, Alex. Leith; 2nd, Richard Lee; 3rd, Andrew Dudenhoffer.

    Twelve Carrots:
    1st, William Boulton; 2nd, Richard Lee; 3rd, Alex Leith.
    Peck of Onions:
    1st, John Heslin; 2nd, James McPherson; 3rd, Thomas Kelly.
    Peck of Apples:
    1st, John Whitney; 2nd, John Fox; 3rd, John O’Donnell.

    Pair of Turkeys:
    1st, Oliver Thompson; 2nd, Bernard Duffy; 3rd, Alex. McKinnon.
    Pair of Geese:
    1st, John McDonald; 2nd, Henry Revell; 3rd, Bernard Duffy.
    Pair of Ducks:
    1st, Maurice O’Connell; 2nd, Alex. Leith; 3rd, James Burgher.

    Pair of Fowls:
    1st, Oliver Thompson; 2nd, George Southern.

    Bushel of Timothy Seed:
    1st, James Burgher; 2nd, Wm. Boulton; 3rd, Maurice O’Connell.
    Ten lbs of Flax Seed:
    1st, Thos. Nellis; 2nd, James Tahany; 3rd, M. Revell.

    Pair Home-made Blankets:
    1st, John O’Donnell; 2nd, John Fox; 3rd, John McDonald.
    10 yards Fulled Cloth:
    1st, C. Doyle; 2nd, James Burgher; 3rd, John McDonald.
    10 yards Fulled Satinett:
    1st, James Heslin; 2nd, James McPherson, 3rd, Dominick Heslin.
    10 yards Flannel:
    1st, James Mahoney; 2nd, Lachlan McDonald, 3rd, James McPherson
    Pair of Mitts:
    1st, Lachlan McDonald; 2nd, James Mahoney, 3rd, Donald McDonald.
    Pair of Socks:
    1st, Donald McDonald; 2nd, Lachlan McDonald; 3rd, James Heslin.
    Patched Quilt:
    1st, Timothy Cahill; 2nd, Martin Kelly; 3rd, Richard Lee.
    Plain or Fancy Needle Work:
    1st, Henry Revell; 2nd, A. Thorne; 3rd, Chas. Hewitt.
    Made Shirt:
    1st, James McPherson; 2nd, James McPherson; 3rd, Richard Lee


    Website Exec.

    Submission Committee:
    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Rob Byers
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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