Photo of the day
Auntie Annie Furniss
Auntie Annie Furniss
    Mike Crosby continues to update postings in the family trees  They are usually  minor, most are related to family trees that were posted years ago, and since then new dates  or recent obits.  Mostly  exact dates and locations. Check out your family tree and if it needs small adjustments, let us know

This articule by Carden researcher Frances Laver


County of Ontario by J.E.Farewell
1. Thomas Graham in 1905 succeeded John Foy as clerk treasurer of Scugog. He was the second one. P44
2. James Graham was elected 7 times as reeve of the Township of Scugog. P. 44
I only found 5 dates in the book. 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882
3. James Graham who was Reeve of Reach, bought the extensive Sexton farm and carried on extensively the raising of thoroughbred stock.P44
4. In 1879, James Graham, Reeve of Scugog, was Warden of Ontario.
5. James Graham Reeve of Reach 1867, 1870, 1873, 1874, 1877
6. James Graham Deputy Reeve of Reach 1864.
7. Thomas Graham, Reeve of Scugog 1891, 1892, 1893


Website Exec.

Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Rob Byers
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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