Photo of the day
    Mike Crosby continues to update postings in the family trees  They are usually  minor, most are related to family trees that were posted years ago, and since then new dates  or recent obits.  Mostly  exact dates and locations. Check out your family tree and if it needs small adjustments, let us know

English War Medal –See Picture “Ramara Memories ”

“Ramara Military Album”

“Dead Man’s Penny” This plaque is known as the “Dead Man’s Penny”. It is a piece of military memorabillia that has a sad history attached to it. The heavy, bronze, coaster-sized medal was given after World War I by the British government to families who had sacrificed a loved one during the War. It was meant as a token of appreciation, but because it resembled a British penny, many people considered it an insult, as if their loved one’s life was worth only a penny. Some families even returned the plaques to the King. They are now regarded as a rare treasured family heirloom. This medal was given to Ann Fountain, the mother of Henry Fountain, who died in 1918. It has been passed down through the years to her grandson Jack Fountain, Hamilton, and now resides proudly with his widow Velma. Keywords: submitted by Velma Fountain [12/141]
Second medal in posessionof Ron Barnes –Washago

Photographs and short histories of the men & women who served in the Military

892 - Dead Man's Penny

Website Exec.

Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Rob Byers
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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