Photo of the day
John & Catherine Healy Children
John & Catherine Healy Children


    Submitted by Carden researcher Frances Laver
    Once Carden was primeval forests, now it is farms, ranches, cottage areas and many wood lots

    The Carden Plain is a limestone based landscape with flat open areas of grass and rock. It contains an unusually rare habitat called alvar.

    It is of interest that Dalton and Carden were united until 1877. Recently they reunited on January 1, 2000.

    The total taxes on earliest record were $122; the highest individual tax was $4.56. In those days the assessor recorded farm animals too. Appeals against assessment were frequently granted the pioneers, proving their power in debate.

    The first reeve was Richard Fitzgerald

    The earliest township clerk was Richard D Long, the next, John Foley. The offices of clerk and treasurer were combined in 1867, a position filled by the late john Walsh from 1873 to 1924. Walter D. Deverell succeeded him.

    Cattle graze on ranches on the 8th Concession (Wylie Road) Duncan Turner of Uphill tells of his early life there with his parents, John and Mary (Kennedy) and brothers and sisters, Mary, Anne, Billy, Carrie and John.

    Neighbouring families were McRaes, Marrens, Holders, Teels, McCarthy’s, O’Neills, Hounsels, Gardiners and Foleys. A school was held and visiting ministers called. Mail was received from Hornecastle, then from the McCarthy Post Office.

    As well as general pioneer hard ship, the Turner family suffered great loss, having four deaths in the family and their home destroyed twice in two years. Duncan and John, the two survivors once lived on Crab apples for more than a week.

    All the families suffered from diphtheria losses and one by one moved away. School was discontinued and when Duncan Turners daughter Mary was eight, the family moved to Uphill, near a school.

    The largest Carden ranch, over 3000 acres grazes many cattle annually and is well maintained.

    Off-told were tales of bitter weather and snow blocked roads. Once F. Thompson, J. Chrysler and J. Graham were due at township council in East Carden and they made it on snowshoes, hastily fashioned from boards. Later council was scheduled foe Dalrymple and the members from the east ventured across the ranches on foot, to be immensely relieved when hours later, they sighted the McPeak clearing.

    In 1955, Carden’s taxes exceeded $12 000 and the township roll 330. The tourist population was 2000. The earliest cottages on the east shore were those of the Jewitts, Sallie Campbell, Dr. Garnet Beirl, the Dunbars and the late Percy Smith.

    . Mr. McGillvray and his predecessors, the late John Alton, each achieved County Warden honours. And who could forget late Ed Murhpy

    The affairs of Carden Township are handled by a local township council a reeve


    Website Exec.

    Submission Committee:
    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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