Photo of the day
Double Wedding
Double Wedding

    not worth the effort

    The First Surveyors

    In 1830 a team of surveyors was sent into Carden Township, but turned back in despair. In their estimation the township was not worth the effort. They found a land on the north edge of the limestone region, which alternated, between vas stretches of marsh and flatlands filled with thin soil and protruding rocks. No one, they felt, would be interested in settling such an area. However, in 1855 the township was laired in 10 concessions ranging from west to east, and 25 lots ranging from south to north. (Educating Victoria County)
    The first settler was Richard Fitzgerald???????????

    Note: Were they right

    Website Exec.

    Submission Committee:
    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Rob Byers
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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