Photo of the day
Lance Corporal, William Chester Barnes-KIA
Lance Corporal, William Chester Barnes-KIA

    St. John’s Anglican Cemetery, on Balsam Road, west of Courtland St. in Atherley, is a small closed cemetery, with only 18 burials. The first in 1871, the last in 1894. Only a hand full of broken gravemarkers remain.

    A memorial monument has been erected, honouring those who are laid to rest here.

    photos of these may be found at Ontario Gravemarker Gallery:


    St. John’s Anglican Cemetery, Atherley

    ANNESS- In memory of/ Thomas H./ son of/Antony & Eliza/ ANNESS/ died Feb. 20, 1875/ aged 3 y’rs, 8 mo’s—alternative name –ANNIS

    John Henry BOYD- 1879

    Ezra DOCKRILL—Jan. 18, 1875

    John H. I. DRINKWATER, Nov. 6, 1881

    Elizabeth HEADFORD/ MARCH 2, 1882/ Aged/ 79 Years/ Native of/ Somersetshire/ ENGLAND (wife of James HEADFORD)

    HEINES- William John Alexander/ son of/Joseph & Elizabeth(Hill)/ HEINES/ who died/ July 17, 1871/Aged 1YR.

    HEWETT- erected by the members of/ Atherley Star Temple/ No 2841, of C.T./as a token of respect/and/ esteem to the memory/ of brother/Daniel B. HEWETT/ died Nov. 18, 1874.

    HEWETT- Wilhelmina Baillie,/ of ? Sutherland/ wife of the late Daniel Grigg HEWETT / of Atherley/ died/ 21st Decr, 1894/ aged 96 years

    Marge MILLIKEN- Oct. 21, 1874

    NEWTON- in memory of/ Caroline (nee Prettyfoot)/ the beloved wife of/ Daniel NEWTON/ who departed this life/ Oct. 12, 1872/AE 54 Y’RS

    O’DELL, EDMUND- 1879

    PENNY, Daniel, Jan. 17, 1880 (infant son of Sidney & Isabella (Holmes))

    William PURDIE, May 12, 1883—alternative- PURDY

    REVELL- Gertrude Emily/ 2ND d/o J. Oliver and M. Emily REVELL (date of death unknown, born 3 Apr. 1873, parents John Oliver & Mary Emily nee DENROACH, )

    REVELL—to the memory of/ Henry REVELL/ who died August 16, 1875/ aged 65 years

    Mrs. Caroline REVELL- Dec. 25, 1877 (wife of Henry, nee BRADDELL)

    ROBINSON- In loving memory of/ Caroline EVANS/ beloved wife of/ Herbert W. ROBINSON/ Priest of this Parish/ died Feb. 5, 1884/ aged 38 years

    Melvina WELSH, Feb. 14, 1881


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