Photo of the day
Hugh Crosby
Hugh Crosby

    Made at Longford Mills.
    Nov. 9, 1916

    A very pleasant gathering took place at Longford Mills on Thursday evening, November 2nd. The most attractive feature of the evening was the display of boxes made up by the ladies, one of which was to be sent to every man who had left Longford to serve our Empire in the war, remembering also Capt. J. W. Brown, R. A. M. C., who left Orillia. A collection amongst the men at Longford resulted in the sum of $67, which sum defrayed the expenses of the Christmas boxes. Each box contained 1 pair of socks, 2 handkerchiefs, a 2-pound Christmas cake, 1 tin cocoa, I large tin oxo, 1 jar apple jelly, after dinner mints, smokes, tobacco, gum, and a Christmas greeting card. The hall was prettily decorated, the ice cream booth and tea room being of outstanding interest. The proceeds of these will be devoted to Red Cross work by the Longford branch of the Red Cross Society, the members of which have worked nobly since the first day of its inauguration. During the evening a musical programme was tastefully rendered, interspersed by capable readings and recitations. The Rev. John MacKensie of the Presbyterian church ably presided. An address was given by the Rev. Mr. Heigh, a Methodist minister visiting Longford, the subject being earnestness and zeal, containing a special appeal to men who had no ties to keep them at home to enlist. A few closing remarks were made by the Rev. Herbert Naylor, who spoke on the call to sacrifice and the need of consecration of self to God.

    Mr. Goring, whose son, Earl, is lying wounded in England, thanked the men and women on behalf of the boys at the front. The programme ended with the singing of the National Anthem.

    Longford deserves commendation on the part it as a small community, has played in the call of the Empire. The appeal made for the British Red Cross Society brought in $188.74, this appeal following directly after the Christmas appeal.

    Longford is represented in France by Lance-Corporal Earl Lefebvre, Corporal Tom Clegg, Privates Alex. S. Morton, Carl Filken, Jim Mahoney, Jack Ryan, Mike Betska, W. J. Wiseman, R. Donaldson.

    In England by Privates Arthur Grives, Hardy A. Smith, Russell Martin, Jeffrey Carrick, Percy Goldsmith.

    In Canada by Privates E. Joe and G. Miller.

    In Hospital in England, Private Earl Goring, Corporal H. Bert McAuley.

    Casualties sustained are: Private Harry Smith, killed in action on September 20th, and Trooper Herbert Stamp, missing since June 2nd.

    Using the words of Admiral Jellicoe, let us hope the people of Longford will “keep on as you have begun.”


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    Submission Committee:
    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Rob Byers
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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