Taken from Volume 28 of “Documentary History of Education in Upper Canada” Chapter XXVI–
“Reminiscences of Superannuated Public School Teachers” P.271 (Archibald J. McKinnon)

Information contributed by Jim Westcott

1858.–I commenced teaching in School Section Number Three, in the Township of Eldon, in a miserably equipped School House. Maps of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, and of Canada, and a Blackboard completed the outfit…..

Before again teaching, I went to the Normal School, Toronto, and in the years 1859 and 1860, I taught in School Section Number Ten, Township of Brock, with very little better school accommodation. The building was of log, with old fashioned forms made with Axe and Auger, and desks extending all around the school room, which were used chiefly for writing. Maps of the Hemispheres, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, and a blackboard, completed the furnishings.

I then taught in Union School Section Brock and Reach. In this case, the building was worse than the previous one, but was fairly well furnished. The parents also took a deeper interest in the education of their children, who made splendid progress during my stay of four years, form 1862 to 1865. Up to this date School Accommodations in those parts was far from being up to the requirements, and very far from what they are at the present day.

My next school was Union School Section Number Seventeen, in the Township of Mariposa and Reach. This building was a good frame one, and was well-equipped with apparatus. The outside surroundings were also good, and met the requirements of the day. My stay here for four years was attended by good results.

In 1871, I taught in School Section Number Eight, in the Township of Brock. The School House was a very poor building indeed…………………………

Again I taught in Number Five, Mara Township. I left this Section after teaching two years……………..

In the winter of 1875, I moved to Number Twenty-four, King. It was well furnished with Maps, Blackboards, a Yard and Outbuildings………….

Toronto, April 3rd, 1896. Archibald J. McKinnon.


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