October 29, 1896
The Rama, Dalton, and Ryde Fall show, held on the 8th inst, at Cooper’s Falls, was a complete success. There were 392 entries. The following prizes were awarded:
CLASS I.–Roadster stallion, John Barnhart; draft team, Jno. Brundage, John McArthur; general purpose team, Geo. Cunningham, John Justin; carriage team, Geo. Cunningham, Luther Cronk; saddle horse, Sam Graham, Josh Genno; brood mare and foal (light), Thos. Cooper, Albert Cooper; 2-year old colt (heavy), Geo. Cunningham, John Jackson; 1 year old colt (heavy), John Jackson; 1 year-old colt (light); Thos. Cooper; sucking cold (heavy), Albert Cooper.
CLASS II.–Aged bull, John Jackson; 2 year-old steer, John McArthur; 1 year-old steer, R. J. Jenno, Thos. Purdy; milch cow, John McArthur, Thos. Joslin; bred cow, John Jackson; 2 year-old heifer, C. Brooks, Albert Cooper; 1 year-old heifer, W. A. McCutcheon; heifer-calf, John Jackson, Albert Cooper; fat beef, Thos. Cooper, Thos. McNabb.
CLASS III.–Southdown sheep, — Aged ram, Chas. Brooks; yearling ram, Chas. Brooks; aged ewe, Chas. Brooks; yearling ewe, Chas. Brooks; ewe lamb, Chas. Brooks. Leicestors.–Aged ram, Albert Cooper, Thos. Cooper; aged ewe, W. H. Brooks, Chas. Brooks; yearling ewe, W. H. Brooks; ewe lamb, A. Cooper, Cotswolds.–Ram lamb, W. H. Brooks, W. A. McCutcheon; aged ewe, Chas. Brooks, Albert Cooper; yearling ewe, W. H. Brooks, Albert Cooper; ewe lamb, W. H. Brooks, Chas. Brooks. Shropshire.—Ram Lamb, L. Cronk, Chas. Brooks; aged ewe, Robert Fletcher; ewe lamb, Chas. Brooks.
CLASS IV.–Swine.–Boar under one year, John McArthur; brood sow, Thos. McNabb, Albert Cooper; fat hog, Thos. McNabb. Berkshire.–Boar under one year, Thos. McNabb.
CLASS V.–Poultry.–Light Brahmas, C. Brooks; Brown Leghorne, Thos. Purdy; White Leghorn, Thos. McNabb; Wyandottes, Thos. Purdy; Plymonth Rock, Thos. Cooper, Robert Fletcher; spring chickens, Thos. Cooper, W. A. McCutcheon; Geese, Geo. Cunningham, Robert Fletcher; Turkey and gobler, Geo. Cunningham, Albert Cooper; Alysbury Ducks, Geo. King, T. Cooper; Rouen ducks, Thos. McNabb, Thos. Cooper.
CLASS VI.–Produce.–Fall wheat, Chas. Brooks, Geo. Cunningham; spring wheat, John McArthur, W. H. Brooks; white oats. Geo. Cunningham, John Barnhart; Egyptian oats, John McArthur, Fred Cooper; Archangle oats, R. J. Jenno, John McArthur; barley, Geo. Cunningham, Thos. McNabb; white peas, (large), Geo. Cunningham, Luther Cronk; white peas (small) J. McArthur, Geo. Cunningham; blue peas, Chas Brooks; white beans, Thos. Joslin, John Fox; yellow corn, Thos. Joslin, Geo. King; white corn, Thos. Cooper; early rose potatoes, John Barnhart, beauty of hebron, Geo. Cunningham, Thos. Joslin; white Elephand, John Fox, Geo. Cunningham; collection of potatoes, Geo. Cunningham, Thos. Cooper; mangolds, Thos. Joslin, John Brundage; sweet turnips, Geo. Cunningham, T. Joslin; Aberdeen turnips, Luther Cronk; carrots, long red, R. J. Jenno, Lut. Cronk; carrots medium, J. W. Tavener; carrots, short red, John Jackson, John Brundage; onions, potatoe, John Fox, John Brundage; carrots, white, John Fox, J. W. Tavener; parsnips, John Brundage, John Jackson; beets, long, John Brundage, Thos. Cooper; turnip beets, R. J. Jenno; onions from seed, John Fox, J. W. Tavener; top onions, Jno. Fox, John Brundage; cabbage, Winning stadt, John Jackson, Thos. Cooper; cabbage red, Albert Cooper, Thos. Cooper; cabbage, any kind, Thos. Cooper, J. W. Tavener; cauliflower, Thos. Cooper; pumpkins, Albert Cooper, Thos. McNabb; citrons, Geo. Cunningham, W. A. McCutcheon; cucumbers, Thos. Joslin; celery, Albert Cooper; squash, Thos. Cooper; apples, summer, Lut. Cronk, John Justin; apples, winter, John Justin, Luther Cronk; black, red and white, grapes, Thos. Cooper; crab apples, Thos. McNabb; crock butter, Geo. King, Thos. Joslin; roll butter, Thos. Joslin, Geo. King; extract honey, Thos. Cooper; comb honey, Thos. Cooper; hop, Chas. Brooks, T. Purdy; bread, Mrs. Geo. King, Mrs. W. A. McCutcheon.
CLASS VII.–Ladies work.–Piece work quilt, Mrs. W. A. McCutcheon, Mrs. L. Cronk; counterpane, Mrs. L. Cronk, Mrs. Thos. Joslin; homemade weaving, Mrs. L. Cronk; flannel shirt, Mrs. L. Cronk, Mrs. Fred Cooper; shanty mens sox, Mrs. J. Justin, Mrs. F. Cooper; homemade sox, Mrs. J. McArthur, Mrs. J. Justin; mitts, Mrs. R. J. Jenno, Mrs. L. Cronk; darning, Mrs. W. A. McCutchion, Mrs. R. J. Jenno; lace collections, Mrs. J. Jackson, Mrs. L. Cronk; crochet in cotton, Mrs. W. A. McCutchion; tidy in cotton, Mrs. Geo. King, Mrs. L. Cronk; crochet in wool, Mrs. Jno. Jackson, Mrs. J. Brundage; floss work, Mrs. Geo. King, Mrs. Fred Cooper; white shirt, Mrs. W. A. McCutcheon; berlin wool raised, Mrs. J. Jenno; home spun yarn, Mrs. Josh Jenno, Mrs. J. Justin; hand sewing, W. A. McCutchion, Mrs. J. Brundage.
Pair of knitted drawers and jacket, crazy patch work quilt and outline work, recommended by the judges. Jersey and Hereford calves, Mr. Jackson’s pedigreed bull and cow, also the herd were a sight to see.
If the person who took the barley from the hall by mistake will return it they will oblige.
Fred Cooper.