Photo of the day
Lieutenant James Ignatius McCORKELL
Lieutenant James Ignatius McCORKELL
    Mike Crosby continues to update postings in the family trees  They are usually  minor, most are related to family trees that were posted years ago, and since then new dates  or recent obits.  Mostly  exact dates and locations. Check out your family tree and if it needs small adjustments, let us know

MARCH 5, 1896

Rev. James Hogan, of Uptergrove, was buried on Friday. There was a very large attendance at the requiem Mass, which was celebrated by Rev. Vicor-General McCann, and the funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Father Ryan. Father Hogan was respected by all classes and loved by his parishioners. He was a profound scholar, an eloquent preacher, a dignified yet modest gentleman. He was a genuine type of the true educated Irishman, generous, kind, energetic, always at work, always pleasant and hopeful. St. Columbkill’s Parish has reason to deeply lament their gentle-hearted priest.


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Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Rob Byers
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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