Tracing Pioneer Families from “The Old Country” to “New World”
In this area we are recording the family histories from all four townships Most families knew each other and some are inter-related If you see any family that you might be related to, CONTACT US
Andrew Graham arrived in Canada at the age of four. His branch of the clan had come from Scotland to Ireland and to Upper Canada, the Grahams settled in Reach in 1825 where three of five sons became landowners.
Fifty years pass to find Andrew and his wife Ann (Buchanan), staunch Presbyterians, established in a comfortable home on a good farm near Port Perry. Occasional visits, with relatives in Dalrymple, influenced their moving to Carden in hopes of greater opportunities for five sons and their only daughter, Alice who was eight. →">Continue reading
Mr. Turner’s maternal grandmother came from Ireland. His mother, the former Mary Kennedy(1836-1820} lived in Lindsay until her marriage to his father, Mr. John Turner (1836-1922) who came from the Lowlands of Scotland. →">Continue reading
Note: St Columbkilles records of baptisms, weddings and deaths, legal records, census records, newspaper articles etc., were used to verify information.
The first recorded names in the Cleary ancestry are that of William Cleary and Mary O’Rielly, my G.G. Grandparents. They were the parents of Michael-1- Cleary and William-2- Cleary. William-2- and his wife Nora Ryan were my G. Grandparents. It would appear that William-1- and Mary, sons Michael-1-, William-2- and his wife Nora Ryan, immigrated to Canada in 1858 and they show up in the 1861 Mara census. Michael-1- married Catherine Smith in St Columbkilles on Jan 6, 1869 and the record indicates that the Clearys’ were from County Tipperary Ireland. →">Continue reading
Thomas Alfred Lamb, ( Coach Driver) born abt. 1835 Islington District, Middlesex, England. son of Samuel Lamb (Grocer). Married Matilda Maria Field, April 16, 1862 in West Ham, Essex County, England. Matilda Field was born April 16, 1842 in Newbury, Berkshire, England. They had 3 children Frederick, Samuel and Thomas. Thomas, Matilda’s husband, died Sept. 1870 of smallpox in Bethnal Green, England. →">Continue reading
Ancient History first
It is reported the McNamees were Bairds to the O’Neil clan-an ancient tribe in Northern Ireland.–(from the Book of Kells)– Actually being the Baird was better than being the king. The kings could be deposed or murdered but the Baird were never mistreated because they were the keepers of the oral history. These Bairds were noted for their memory, wit and sarcasm. This apple has traveled many miles →">Continue reading
The first recorded Mulvihill name was that of Patrick Mulvihill. Patrick and his wife Mary Nelan would have been born in the early to mid 1700s. They were the parents of James Jocobun Mulvihill born Feb. 5, 1784 in Ballinranhig, County Kerry. Source “the Ireland Catholic register 1655 -1915.”
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I came across this piece about the Point Mara Kennedy family and I thought
I would share. One of my McDonald family married John Alexander Kennedy and
later lived in Manitoba.
A family chronicle
By Myrtle Graham
An eleventh hour attempt to record the lingering lore associated with Joel and Sarah Day for the possible satisfaction of their many descendants in 1967. Surely, few families of modest station have been more harassed by relevant events of history than has the Day family.
Sincere gratitude is due the few who travelled far down Memory Lane for the tales which follow. Indulgence is requested for any inadvertent errors.
Centennial Year, 1967
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Mistaken identity is a problem faced by every family historian at one time or another. We are often faced with the dilemma of finding a document and making a decision as to whether or not it is relevant to our particular search. Sometimes it is difficult to know which individual fills a spot on one’s family tree because of the plethora of people in an area that have the same name and similar circumstances. Perhaps a little wishful thinking propels us to rush to judgement when finding an opportunity to extend the family tree several generations by adding an individual with the correct name to a list of ancestors. Sometimes that addition can be a mistake and lead us down the wrong path in our search.
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