The first recorded Mulvihill name was that of Patrick Mulvihill. Patrick and his wife Mary Nelan would have been born in the early to mid 1700s. They were the parents of James Jocobun Mulvihill born Feb. 5, 1784 in Ballinranhig, County Kerry.  Source “the Ireland Catholic register  1655 -1915.”
James and his wife Mary Scanlan, were the parents of Daniel Mulvihill, first Mulvihill to settle in Mara. (Source 1. Daniel’s baptism record in St Marys catholic church, Listowel, Kerry Ireland states parents were James Mulvihill & Catherine Scanlan. Source 2, wedding record of Daniels’ second marriege to Mary Anne Gant, (nee Collins),  in St Andrew church, Brechin Ont. which states “Daniel Mulvihill, age 60 a widower & farmer, born Ireland, son of James Mulvihill & Catherine Scanlon, married Mary Ann Gant, age 46, widow, daughter of Michael Collins &  Mary Saunders.”)
 Daniel and his first wife Johanna Connors (marriage record  St Marys Catholic church in Listowel Ireland) immigrated to Canada in 1841, (source 1901 census record of son Thomas), and settled in  Wesport ont. Leeds County. Also immigrating with Daniel were brothers Michael and Patrick and sister Ellen (source baptismal records of St Marys Catholic church in Listowel, County Kerry). Daniel and Johanna had at least 8 children. James, 1836, born in Ireland Thomas, 1838  born in Ireland, Michael 1842, first child born in Canada, John 1848, twins Anne and Mary 1851, Daniel 1853 and Catherine 1857 were all born in Westport, Leeds County.
Daniel and his brother Michael and their families moved to Mara prior to 1861 (listed in 1861 Mara census) and settled in the Rathburn area.  Michaels family consisted of his wife Margaret and sons James, John and Donald. Daniels family, at the time of the move, consisted of wife Johanna and children Thomas, Michael, John, Mary, Daniel and Catherine. Anne, Marys twin sister,  died sometime between the 1851 census and 1861 as here name is absent from the 1861 Mara census.   

My family
Father Thomas B.
Mike B Aug 15, 1908 D. Dec 25, 1995
Ann B Oct 20, 1912 D. Jul 5, 2003
Tom B May 15, 1915 D. Jul 1, 1980
Mary B Sept 18, 1917 D. Sept 30, 2009
Pat B Jan 8 1920 D June 21, 2016
Vince B Sept 17, 1922 D. Oct 29, 2011
Faustus B. Mar 9, 1924 D. May 22, 2000
Brady B. Nov 28, 1927 D. Jan13, 1985
Daniel B Oct 18, 1930 Still kicking


Mike & Vince both worked on the Alcan highway. Mike wound up with TB and spent the last years of the war in the Gravenhurst  sanitorium. Fausty was wounded in action, I remember the day my Parents received the telegram.

My grandfather Thomas Mulvihill had a blacksmith shop in Uptergrove and was also the postmaster for a number of years. His brother  John Mulvihill had the blacksmith shop in Rathburn and also was the postmaster and ran a general store.

The Cleary you mention was my mother, Anna Maria Cleary and she married my father Thomas. She and her sister Myrtle were living with  their aunt Kate McNulty in San Francisco after their mother Anne McNulty Cleary died leaving my grandfather Michael Cleary with seven  children under the age of thirteen, The children were taken by the McNulty family. Kate was a buyer for Marshal Fields, the big department store chain in San Francisco and she took my mother and her sister Myrtle to live with her  Mother wasn’t a nurse, she was a stenographer.(These two girls helped the sick and injured in a tent city after the 1905 earthquake) Kate had brought the two girls back to Mara to visit relatives after the quake and she met my father Thomas. They were married Dec 1, 1907.

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