Photo of the day
Holmes Red & White, Brechin
Holmes Red & White, Brechin

    This articule submitted by Frances Laver

    Particular note is Mr. Youngs travel route to get to his property

    There passed away on September 14, one on of the pioneer residents of this part in the person of Mr. Robert Young. About three weeks ago Mr. Young went to visit his daughter in Udney, and passed away peacefully after a very short illness. The late Mr. Young was born in the Township of Darlington in the year 1843. He moved with his parents to the Township of Dalton in 1858, when it was a wilderness, as there were no roads at that time through the country. They came by wagon through Brechin to the head of Mud Lake, then by log canoe down nine miles to the mouth of the lake, then three miles down Head River, where they landed and prepared to hew out a home in the forest. Mr. Young will be sadly missed by a large circle of relatives, friends and lonely indeed are the hearts of the bereaved members of his family, who mourn the loss of a kind father. His wife predeceased him some 19 years ago. Left to mourn the loss of a dear father are two sons and three daughters namely George, Toronto, Mrs. Baker, Sebright, Mrs. W. Hargrave, Toronto, Mrs. McDonald, Udney, James at home. Also brothers and sisters, George, Manitoba, John, Colorado, Henry, Sebright, Mrs. Jackson, Vancouver, Mrs. Brady, Winnipeg, Mrs. J. Nicolson, Uptergrove, Mrs. Heartland, Montana.
    The funeral was Thursday afternoon from his late residence and was largely attended. The service was conducted by Pastor Rev. Bell who preached a very impressive sermon after which the remains were interred in Sebright Cemetery. The pallbearers were Sam young, Orillia, Wm. Smith, Whitby, Arthur, Norman and Archie Stewart, Oshawa and Richard Montgomery, Sebright. The floral offerings were many and beautiful showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. Those who attended from outside were: Archie Norman, Arthur and Miss Mable Stewart, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hargrave, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hargrave, Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Young, Misses Olga, Gladys, and R.A. Young, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. I. Drew, Miss Annie Baker all of Toronto, Mr. Wm. Smith, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolfenden, Barrie, Mr. James Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young, Mrs. Helmkay, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholson, Mr. R Nicholson, Uptergrove, Mr. and Mrs. Sears, Mr. and Mrs. Cleavley, Orillia, Charles and Fred Baker, Ardbeg.


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    Submission Committee:
    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Rob Byers
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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