List of Teachers etc. as supplied by Mr. Gerald Westcott, Secretary, February, 1965-RE: S. S. No. 8, Mara
Information supplied by Jim Westcott
Name of Teacher Date Comm. Date Ceased No. of Mon.s
-Miss Jessie McKay
-Miss Maggie Sullivan
-Miss Overend
-Mr. Alex Birchard
-Miss McNutty
-Mr. John Bacroft
-Mr. Josiah Givens
-Miss Jones
-Miss Dean
-Miss Gettings
-Miss Murdock
-Miss Annie Rodman
-William Hickey
-Thomas Hickey
-Miss Maggie MacCracken
-Miss Hannah Costella
-Mr. Chas. Ramsay
-Miss Nellie Oatis
-Miss Ida Luck
-Miss Nellie MacNay
-Miss Jessie Walls
It would appear that Miss Walls did not teach in 1902 but was followed by a Miss Michael who according to the memory of a former pupil taught for five years. There are no records available from 1902 until 1907.
-Miss Mitchell Jan. 1902 Dec. 1906 50 months
-Nellie Chambers Jan. 1907 June 1907 6 mon.
-M. V. McAuley Aug. 15, 1907 Dec. 1907 4 ½ mon.
-E. M. Baker Jan. 1908 Dec. 1908 10 ½ mon.
-Ella Moran Jan. 1909 June 1909 6 mon.
-Jessie Walls Aug. 15, 1909 June 1910 10 ½ mon.
-Maude H. Young Aug. 15, 1910 June 1911 10 ½ mon.
-Urrula M. Black Sept. 1911 June 1913 20 mon.
-M. M. Cordick Sept. 1, 1913 Sept. 30, 1913 1 mon.
-H. E. Kirton Oct. 1913 Dec. 1913 3 mon.
-M. V. McAuley Jan. 1914 June 1914 6 mon.
-E. F. Adams Sept. 1914 Dec. 1914 4 mon.
-J. M. McCuaig Jan. 1915 Dec. 1916 20 mon.
-M. McKenzie Jan. 1917 June 1917 6 mon.
-O. J. Perryman Sept. 1917 Dec. 1919 24 mon.
-Mary K. Heitzner Jan. 1920 June 1923 36 mon.
-Mary Baxter Sept. 1923 June 1925 20 mon.
-Carrie Speiran Sept. 1925 June 1932 70 mon.
-Muriel Murphy Sept. 1932 Dec. 1933 14 mon.
-Wesley Clare Jan. 1934 June 1934 6 mon.
-Muriel Widifield Sept. 1934 June 1938 40 mon.
-Mirell Chrysler Sept. 1938 Oct. 31, 1938 2 mon.
School closed two months–Teacher ill
-Etta McNabb Jan. 1 1939 Feb. 28, 1939 2 mon.
-Mirell Chrysler Mar. 1, 1939 June 1939 4 mon.
-V. M. Till Sept. 1939 June 1940 10 mon.
-John I. Davidson Sept. 1940 June 1941 10 mon.
-Everett M. Coulter Sept. 1941 Feb. 1942 6 mon.
-Alice Gordon Mar. 1, 1942 June 1942 4 mon.
-Nellie McIsaac Sept. 1942 June 1946 40 mon.
-Mrs. Olive Lillian Long Sept. 1946 June 1947 10 mon.
(nee Denne)
-Mrs. Sophia Mary Shier Sept. 1947 June 1948 10 mon.
(nee Francis)
-Mr. Basil Shaver Sept. 1948 June 1949 10 mon.
-Mrs. Viola Rettie Sept. 1, 1949 Nov. 17, 1949 2 ½ mon.
-Miss Mary Gilchrist 7 ½ mon.
-Miss Lucy Adela Mainprize-Sept. 1950 June 1951 10 mon.
-Miss Frances Joyce Whitney Sept. 1951 -June 1953 20 mon.
-Miss Joan O’Beirn Sep-Dec. 1953 Sep 1-Nov.30 1953 3 mon.
-Mrs. Carrie Robertson Sept-Dec. 1953 Dec. 1953 1 mon.
(nee Speiran)
-Mr. Hager H. Whitney Jan. 1, 1954 June 1955 16 mon.
-Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Furniss Sept. 1955 June 1956 10 mon.
(nee Larson)
-Mrs. Dorothy Margaret Kelly Sept. 1956 June 1959 30 mon.
(nee Healy)
-Mrs. Dorothy Margaret Kelly supply S-D 1959 1 day
-Mrs. Ida E. Morgan Sept. 1959 June 1960 10 mon.
(nee Froates)
-Mr. Alan Nott Sept. 1960 June 1961 10 mon.
-Mrs. Carol MacDonald Sept. 1961 Apr. 30, 1962 8 mon.
(nee McAvoy)
-Mrs. Elsie Lillian Cooper May 1, 1962
(nee Abercrombie)
Music Supervisors
-Mrs. Florence Fowler Jan. 1956 June 1958
(nee Hill)
-Mrs. Margaret Jane Robinson Sept. 1958
(nee Allen)
School Secretaries
-Mr. John Laurence Jan. 1873 Dec. 1886 14 yrs.
-Mr. John Brandon
-Mr. T. H. Oliver 1904
-William Givens 1905 1914 10 yrs
-W. George Hargrave 1915 1929 15 yrs
-William J. Wright 1930 1945 16 yrs.
-Sam Speiran 1946 1954 8 yrs
-Gerald Westcott 1954 1964 10 mon.