Photo of the day
S. S. #3-Brechin Public School
S. S. #3-Brechin Public School

    The Orillia Times
    Oct. 15, 1895

    The new and beautiful Methodist church, Atherley, which cost $2000, was dedicated on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Rae, who preached two eloquent sermons. The day was fine and congregations and collections good. The opening tea on Monday the 7th, was acknowledged splendid in every respect, grand spread, grand crowds and Christian harmony characterized all. Proceeds of collections and tea, $15. Many free gifts were presented to this new church, notably amongst those was a valuable silver communion service by Maxwell Hall, also $30 free plastering by Mr. F. G. Gaddye, beside many others, but these above in addition to large subscriptions. Addresses were delivered by Revs. Buchanan, Shier, Harris, and Rae, interspersed by solos, duets, anthems. A subscription of nearly $800 was raised by Rev. Rae, which with proceeds of tea and collections, covers almost the entire remaining indebtedness. Thanks are extended by the congregation to all who assisted in any way to make such a success not forgetting Mr. W. S. Frost who presided in good cheer and with ability.


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