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    Orillia Packet & Times
    Opened By The Archbishop
    December, 1925

    The new St. Andrew’s church at Brechin, work on which has been going on all summer, was formally opened and dedicated to the service of Almighty God by his Grace, Archbishop Neil McNeil, of Toronto, on Tuesday morning of this week, in the presence of a large congregation of devout worshippers.

    The ceremonies commenced at 9:30 in the morning when the act of dedication was performed by the Archbishop assisted by fourteen priests of adjoining parishes. This was followed by pontificial high mass, sung by his grace the Archbishop, Rev. Father Prance, of Toronto, acting as master of ceremonies; Father W. Roach, as deacon; Father McCorkell, as sub-deacon; Father McCandish, as deacon of honor, and Father Malone as sub-deacon of honor. The following priests were also present.

    Father McCorkell, Toronto, C.S.B.; Father Roach,Toronto, C.S.B.; Father McCann, Rev. D. O’Leary, Father Cline, Father Flannigan, Orillia; Father McCandish, Toronto, C.S.S.R.; Father Noon, C.S.P; Father Austin Malone, C.S.P.; Father McKenna, Orillia; Father Gallagher, Toronto; Father Doyle, Victoria Harbor; Father Keough, C.S.S.R., Toronto; Father Bouvrette, S.J., Waubaushene; Father Coleman, Uptergrove.

    The sermon was preached by Monsignor O’Sullivan, of St. Augustine’s seminary, who in a scholarly and eloquent manner spoke of the relation between the church and pastor, and what the church typified in the lives of the people.

    At the close of the service, Archbishop McNeil warmly congratulated the congregation of St. Andrew’s and their devoted pastor, Rev. Father Morrow, on the successful outcome of the work and sacrifices during the past months in erecting a noble structure that compares favorably with any parish church in the land.

    The singing of the choir was particularly admired by all present and reflects the highest credit upon the members, many of whom were children, whose sweet childish voices blended beautifully with those
    of mature years.

    The church is of English Gothic design, with a seating capacity of over 600 and furnished most sumptuously. The good people of St. Andrews are to be congratulated on having their handsome new church ready in time for the Christmas festival.


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    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Rob Byers
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
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