Photo of the day
John Thomas Steele's Death Certificate
John Thomas Steele's Death Certificate
    Mike Crosby continues to update postings in the family trees  They are usually  minor, most are related to family trees that were posted years ago, and since then new dates  or recent obits.  Mostly  exact dates and locations. Check out your family tree and if it needs small adjustments, let us know

April 1882

The farmers are now busy putting in their spring grains, but as yet there is no growth whatever, and what is more discouraging, Vennor had predicted another month of this in status quo weather, and Vennor’s well known ability in handling climatology, can scarcely be gainsayed, but notwithstanding that a number of the pioneers of this locality, who have a well-directed eye, say positively that Vennor is not infallible.

NEW ENTERPRISE— Wm. McDonald, of the Uptergrove Hotel, had invented a new shingle press and box, and is busily engaged manufacturing them here. They are pronounced by mill men to be an excellent article and just what is wanted. William has made several already.

Politics are very quiet out here. The only excitement being as to who will get his crop in first!

The TIMES doesn’t get here now until Saturday. It takes two days for a letter to come from Orillia here— a distance of six


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Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Rob Byers
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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