Photo of the day
Smitty's Train Wreck
Smitty's Train Wreck

    Rama-Mara History Notes

    History from the former townships of Rama and Mara

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    This article researched by Carden correspondent Frances Laver
    The story of Longford Township is one of tall pine timber, crashing logs on flooding waters, sturdy lumberjacks and raging forest fires. It is the story of the South Ontario lumber industry itself. It began back in May 1865 when all the land forming the township was sold to the Canadian Land and Emigration Company. Another historical move took place in 1867 when John Thomson, a lumberman, purchased it for $33,000. In 1900 the pine timber limits almost exhausted, the land was purchased by the Standard Chemical Company which sought the remaining hardwood in the country
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    Website Exec.

    Submission Committee:
    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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