This particular copy of Carden Schools was given to us by Mr. Wayne Teel
The hand written name on the front page is William H. Teel
Mrs. Margaret(Thasher) Stewart and Miss Lillian Holder compiled the original information. That book is available at the Carden library
Mrs. Francis(Fox) Laver is now in the process of updating that book and adding some pictures.
Miss Angie Hallett converted our copy to computer format
We would like to dedicate this section to Mrs. Stewart who passed from us this summer. I am sure you will see her name and others like her as we go forward . Look for them.
Submission Committee

S.S. #4 Dalrymple School

Education has always enjoyed support and respect in this section. Very soon after pioneers settled in the area, the need was felt to have instruction given to the children of the little community on the shores of Lake Dalrymple, then known as Lake Kechebedobegoog, and later called Mud Lake.
Mrs. Joseph McCracken, feeling the need for education, generously held classes in her home to impart some knowledge of the three R’s before a school was erected. An old diary reveals that in 1865, George Jarrett built the first simple log school, at a cost of about $400.00.
The first teacher in the school may have been a Mr. Robinson. The Robinsons lived on what is now known as Ross Fox’s Point, then called Robinson’s Point. He was a man of some education, but had such a broad old country accent that the children had difficulty understanding him, and so he was soon replaced.
It is unusual and a great credit to the family of Albert Day, an original pioneer, that receipts and agreements exist, dating back to the year 1865. A receipt from the first teacher mentioned in the Archives records is owned by Mr. Russell Day. This receipt of money received, $58.00 from teacher Kate Young and the next teacher – Agnes Campbell. A receipt for lumber bought from Duncan McRae of Bolsover, a promissory note signed on behalf of the School Board by Joseph Devrell and Robert Irwin, 30% interest being charged. (Oct. 26th, 1864) The teachers themselves charged interest on salaries overdue. A minute book dating to 1867 is owned by the Day family, and in it can be read interesting and informative entries which reveal the problems and difficulties of earliest times. In 1867 a cup and broom cost 60¢. The record shows that the earliest boarding house for teachers was with the Plews, and the teachers board was paid by the School Board. A typical entry – “Josiah Palmer agrees to deliver 12 cords of wood at S.S. #4 Jan. 13th, 1875, at 58¢ per cord – good hard wood, 2 ½ foot long.”
It was moved and seconded in 1875 that each scholar pay 25¢ for wood. In 1871, Robert Irwin moved that Albert Day be secretary and there be a free school. In 1868, $68.00 was raised. In 1873 the section raised $117.30 for school expense. Expenses that year were $116.60, leaving a neat balance of 70¢. Clergy Reserve Fund, County Grants are mentioned as aids to finance. Mr. Samuel Fox is the earliest tax collector on record, and the original list of taxpayers is retained by Mr. R. Day. The name together with the lot, and value is carefully listed in a fine hand. $1.25 was paid for each $100.00 of assessed value.
An early union of Carden and Dalton Townships is noted when James Carlie was the township clerk; the two were later divided.
The early list of taxpayers on blue paper, is as follows:
Michael Tobin, James Lawson, William Buck, Jefferson Johnson, Thos. Preston, Edward Buchanan, Joseph Deverell, Albert Day, Thos. Dolan, Robert Irwin, William Richie, Dan Stewart, Robt. Warswick, James and John Thompson, Joseph McCrachen, John McCrackin, John Wilson, Samuel and George Fox, Adam McPeak, Dermott, Fowler, Elliot, Plews, Knight, Trenier, Tressider, Jarrett, Palmer, Vickers.
The location of the school was Lot 19, Concession 3, Carden. Mrs. Alice Fox, remembered the students at Dalrymple sometimes numbering 70 in the winter when grown men and women returned for a little learning, seated at the long benches and working at a slanted board for a desk along the two long walls. It was not until the 1890’s that the school boasted a caretaker, Mr. Adam McPeake, whose contract read – “For the job of lighting fires and sweeping school house, fires to be lighted at 8:00 o’clock school to be swept three times each week and seats dusted, for the sum of 8 dollars.”
The winters months were a severe test of dedication for teacher and students for the icy mornings benumbed fingers and minds, and everything including the ink was frozen. The school served as a church from 1877 to 1883, with Mrs. John Chrysler as precentor.
In 1883, in accordance with a trend noted by the inspector’s reports, the old log school was replaced by a good frame school built by James, Samuel and Wellington Graham at about $700.00.
Teachers found an excellent boarding place at Chrysler’s for decades also Ivorys. In later years Mrs. W.D. Deverell and Mrs. Norman Wilson boarded teachers.
An early photo made by a clever student of the early school, Mr. P. Chrysler shows the smart white clapboard building. A wide front porch made a good spot for play and group pictures. A large stump was near the front door and a ladder reached from ground to chimney. A bicycle is leaning against the school. It is thought this may have belonged to the teacher. The first lad remembered to have ridden a bike to school was Nelse Wilson, no doubt envied by his friends. The children are standing in the yard, some little fellows in bare feet and knee high pants, the girls in dresses, black stockings, and large boater hats above their middy collars. The teacher is wearing a hard straw hat, white shirt with a stiff collar, the sleeves neatly held up with arm bands. A vest is worn over the shirt. One small child is attired in a pinafore which touches the ground. The windows which are open have a row of plants growing in cans. Mr. P. Chrysler also took a picture in the Chrysler home in which the current teacher a young man, is posed trying manfully to administer the strap to a “pupil.” These pictures were worth many words in forming ideas of what the early school life might be.
Four of the earliest graves of the little community were situated over the fence from the school, a sobering thought to the youngsters, who were also influenced by the proximity to the church and parsonage, where many young ministers’ wives befriended the teachers and pupils in day to day contact, giving good counsel or friendly companionship. Mrs. Jarrett is well remembered for her musical training of the district young people in cantatas. Concerts were held often and developed dramatic talent. It was many years before music was formally taught in the schools with Mrs. Mundy (Rev. Mundy’s wife) and Mr. Maatin, a musician of European descent who introduced the children to note reading and playing the recorder.
The lake was at the door step of the school and provided a play ground, summer or winter. The yard was not fenced until 1920. Mrs. Vickers lived nearby and was visited daily, especially since her 12 cats provided entertainment. A large swing with chains was in the Church Grove and this was used by the children. The land behind the school was considered public domain, the youngsters gathered flowers or leeks (this was frowned on by teachers), strawberries or wintergreen berries. Mrs. H. Smith remembers the cedar clumps being used as play houses for the girls, where Pilgrim’s Progress was read by the older girls, the younger and more tender hearted, weeping for poor Pilgrim’s difficulties.
Registers were kept by the teachers, the earliest being (1921 ???) when 24 children were enrolled. Some teachers kept notes in the register, which mentioned the freezing and opening of the lake, the return of the birds and mosquitoes, the running of the maple sap, always a Dalrymple industry. Bad bush fires are mentioned and of a more recent date – Hurricane Hazel – “the roof leaked”, educational trips to Toronto, the fact that electricity was installed, and a fine piano bought. A service not provided in every school was a hot lunch at noon. This was prepared by the children in the term from the New Year until Easter.
Some amusing but honest excuses for school absence are noted. “Didn’t get up in time.” “No shoes.” “Could not come alone.” “Poison Ivy.” “Had to work at home.”
In 1947 the section entered the school area. In 1948 the school was temporarily closed and the children transported to Mud Lake. In 1950 the school opened again with 12 pupils.
Regular reports of money being raised to aid the Red Cross to buy War Savings Stamps, and for Mission Band which was carried on at different times. Miss M. Chrysler being a very faithful teacher of this work. The section took part in School Fairs, held in connection with the Calf Club which was led by Mr. C. Graham. School Concerts took place at Christmas, often held in the more commodious quarters of the United Church close by. In 1954 an Open House was addressed by Mrs. A. Fox who had the children spell bound with stories of her memories of early days in Dalrymple School.
Good discipline is mentioned in the inspector’s reports, and the successful graduates attest to this, but school in Dalrymple was not all work. Games such as those heard of in no other section are played here. Cricket was popular. A game called Rounders with ball and bat was recalled by Miss E. Irwin and a game called Bally Over. Doug Deverell recalls the most ingenious game of all called Deer and Hunters. Two hunters were chosen the rest being deer who ran and hid. The hunters came after, and when they sighted a deer, shot him, with a stick and a “bang-bang”. The hunter then paced 10 paces toward the deer, if he was within 10 paces the deer was officially dead and then became a dog to help the hunter to find other deer. Those dogs however could not shoot, but only bark if they sighted a deer, whereupon the hunter raced up, “shot the deer”, paced it off and so on. There were safe dens too, and Doug recalls that when the telephone line went through in 19??, a large cedar uprooted made a wonderful den. One time one of the Wilson boys got up a tree, as a deer. His brother, who was a hunter sighted him. There was a great argument then, you can imagine, over whether you could pace up a tree. This easily used up the noon hours, in fact there was hardly time to eat your lunch.
There is a nice wooded yard at the school. It was twice enlarged. Mr. D. Deverell has the original plan of additional property being added, but in earlier days when settlers were scattered the Chrysler property behind was widely used for a play area.
One student recalls the snakes which would be seen in the lake. The boys would throw stones at them, and the girls gasp with fear.
Rafts were built and on one occasion a couple of younger boys were shoved out a bit too far and almost drowned. This resulted in no end of trouble, and the School Board was called in to settle the matter. Accordingly they sat themselves up as a court and witnesses were heard. A few insults were hurled about and the verdict that was arrived at was that the raft be burnt. This was done with some ceremony and shoved out to sea. On another occasion that lads were playing on the ice when some fellows got out on a floe, things looked bad until Nelson Wilson and Roy Fox waded out to the rescue, and saved the boys. Another time, Ether Irwin and Laura Ivory were skating to school. Suddenly the ice gave way. They thought they were goners, but it was shell ice and a good solid coat was underneath.
One story of school boy mischief which has survived fifty years or more is the teacher who had the unhappy habit of striking the children’s fingers with the pointer. Two of the lads decided to do something about this so they stole the pointer and buried it in the deep trough at Chrysler’s windmill. The teacher wasn’t long in missing the pointer, and no doubt suspected the culprits who were told to get the pointer and get back in their seats in 20 minutes. It took a bit of running, but the story goes that they made it.
A Minute Book which covers a good section of the history of Dalrymple School, and a Cash Book are at the home of Mrs. C. McDonald at Kirkfield Locks, from these it was learned of steady improvement of conditions.
The Annual Meetings were always well attended and very noisy on occasions. Any dissatisfaction that the ratepayers felt was usually voiced. The conduct of the teachers, the pupils and the school board itself were all open for question.
In 1928 funds were borrowed form the township, and as early as 1930, a sign forbidding camping on the school grounds was ordered to be erected. In 1931 a general overhaul was given to the school. This included a new porch and siding, the accompanying pictures illustrate the change. A motion was made that the teacher be given as large a salary as possible without raising the township rate would cause a few lifted eyebrows in the Teachers Federation of today, but a motion reading that the trustees be instructed to pay the teacher no more than $500.00 after 1936, mercifully got no seconder.
The teachers were held in high esteem and many are remembered with affection and appreciation by their students. Following is a list of teachers which may recall school day memories to those who studied under them: 1865 – Miss Agnes Campbell, 1866 – Miss E. Purvis, 1868 – Miss Young and Miss Currie, 1869 – Miss A. Robinson. From 1870-1890 were Miss Ferguson, Miss Louise Irwin, Miss Stiles, Miss L.T. Hunter. (Later Mrs. H.H. Chrysler, salary $240.00) Miss H. Martin, Mr. Honey, Mr. Foster. From 1900-1920 Miss Mathewson, Mr. J. Ray, Mr. Wesley Irwin, Miss Mildred Day, Miss Hawker, Miss Mainprize, Miss Brooks, Miss Dinner, Miss Buck, Miss Mitchell, Miss H. White, (later Mrs. R.J. McCrackin) Miss Morriss, Miss Alma Day, Miss Boyd, Miss Martin, Miss Parker, Miss Young, Miss Mae Ivory, Miss Meldren, Miss Winnifred Osborne, Miss M. Hardy, (later Mrs. A. McGillivray), Miss Fulton, Miss Janie Serpell. From 1920-1940 Mr. Redvers Brown, Miss Mary Alton, Miss Grace Gordon, Miss E. McGinnis, Miss M. Brook, Miss Guthrie, Miss L. Overend, Miss Anna Carson, Miss Closs, Miss G. Day (later Mrs. A McCrackin and the present teacher in 1967.) Miss J. McArthur (later Mrs. R. Fox) Miss M. Chrysler, Mr. Robinson, Miss H. McNevin From 1940-1967 Miss M. Spofford, Miss McGillivray (former student), Miss Luke (Mrs. W. Wright), Miss Hopkins (Mrs. C. Townes), Miss T. MacDonald, Mrs. J. Fox, Mrs. Schrader, Mrs. Preston, Miss Forsman, Miss Semple (daughter of Miss Guthrie), Mrs. Mints, Mrs. K. McCaughey, Mrs. McNamee, Mrs. A. McCrackin. In 1966 the schools of the township were semi graded with Dalrymple School housing the three top grades. Approximately 20 pupils.
From the registers the following family names tell the tales of the years, as families come and go, some to stay throughout the more than a century of schooling here. Chrysler, Avery (came across the lake), Dolan, Elliot, Tressidder, Deverell, Day, Ivory, Jarrett, Irwin, Braden, Heward, Westby, Auster, Thompson, Woods, Dawson, Dennis, Fulsome, Eysten (Dutch immigrants),McDoull, Holden, Dack, McPeake, Adams, Hill, McGillivray, Radway, MacNeil, Wilson, McCracken, McCrackin, Banbury, Roberts, Gilbert, Spooner, Townes, Colyer, Stewart, MacDonald, Fox, Black, Eastcott, Williams, McGown, Graham, Schrader, Levec, Butson, Thrasher. Of these pupils two paid the supreme sacrifice – Mansel Deverell and Bert Dack.
There was never any shortage of those ready to serve on the school board. Long term members were Robert Irwin J.J. Irwin, Joseph Deverell, T.W. Deverell, Albert Day, Geo. Jarrett, Joel Day, Russell Day. Many others were S.H. Fox, J.A. McGillivray, R.J. McCrackin, Alvin McCrackin, N. Wilson, E. Wilson, S.Wilson, Geo Fox, John Fox, Ross Fox, Roy Fox, George Ivory, J Hill, B. Chrysler, W. Dack, W. Adams, B. Deverell, W.D. Deverell, Mrs. W.D. Deverell, Roy Black, C. Thrasher, H. Eastcott and Mrs. G. Stewart.
Of the graduates of the school the section has had one minister, Rev. David Day, and one missionary, Miss L. Ivory (Mrs. G. Smith, Viet Nam). Fifteen teachers, several holding university degrees, five registered nurses, several nursing assistants, several business school graduates and several business men of better than average success and ability as well as progressive farmers and community minded residents who have stayed in Dalrymple and made it a better place to live. It is true to say that this little school section has had a marked effect for good on the community it serves and also the world at large.


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Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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