September 7th & 8th, 2013
Sat, September 7th- MAIN SOCIAL
Sun, September 8th – BREAKFAST & FAREWELL
All former Alumni (and their significant other)
are invited to attend.
Brechin Public School, officially known as School Section Number 3 Mara Township (SS #3) opened its doors to classes in the fall of 1881 and continued until 1970, a period of 89 years. The school house at the end of its intended purpose was not a great deal different than the original some 89 years earlier. The school did see some interior upgrades such as some new desks in the early 50’s. The wood stove that served the school for many years was replaced with a modern day oil stove in the late 50’s. Prior to that time it was the responsibility of the senior boys to keep the fire burning by ensuring that a sufficient wood supply was on hand from the woodshed at the rear of the school. As we all marched into class at the dreaded ring of the teachers bell, we always found our room to be cozy on those cold winter mornings because Mr. Cooper and others before him had been there several hours earlier to stoke up a fire. Boots, mittens, scarves and whatever needed drying were scattered around the floor near the trusty old square wood stove.
The Huge bell that sat so prominently atop the school rang out for many years each day of classes, it also served as a village alarm in the event of a fire or emergency. The bell fell silent at some point in the 50’s probably due to continued abuse by some students whom felt it was important to tie down the clangor or just simply ring it out in the middle of the night. Some who are reading this will know exactly what this means. The big bell was brought back to life in the 60’s and rang proudly until the school closed.
Students of SS #3 were apprised first hand of major events through the years such as; the invention of a device called a telephone and a new company called the Bell Telephone Company; the beginning and ending of the Boer Wars; the invention of a car called a Model T by Henry Ford; the two Great Wars beginning and ending; the Cuban Crisis; the invention of a device called a computer; the assassination of President Kennedy, to mention a few.
As students in the school we never gave a lot of thought to the importance of what we were learning. School was a cool place to go to be with friends, have some fun and pay attention. Our teachers knew they were not creating an Einstein, a Bill Gates, a Henry Ford or a future Prime Minister, they were simply providing us with the building blocks to structure our future lives, we will be forever thankful for that as we have all developed careers, lifelong friendships and an appreciation for all the teachers direction and guidance.
We, the students will be forever thankful.