Photo of the day
Margaret Audrey ROWAN, (1929-1975) circa 1947
Margaret Audrey ROWAN, (1929-1975) circa 1947

    List of Teachers etc. as supplied by Mr. Harper Newman, Secretary, December, 1964–RE: S. S. #2, Mara

    Information contributed by Jim Westcott

    This copy property of Ramaracrdendalton history on line


    Name of Teacher// Date Comm.// Date Ceased// No. Mos.

    -Mr. Hugh Bruce 1862// 1865// 40
    -Miss Jane Fraser 1866 // 1867// 20
    -Mr. George Bruce 1868//
    -Miss Williamson 1869 // 1873//
    -Miss Jean Cameron 1874// 1878//
    -J. D. O’Donnell 1879// 1879//
    -Miss Jessie McKay 1880// 1881//
    -Mr. Hart 1882// 1883//
    -Miss E. Mosgrove 1884//
    -Mr. Alex. Birchard 1885//
    -Mr. Williamson 1886// 1887//
    -Miss Foote 1888//
    -Mr. George Young 1889// 1890//

    “I learned today of other teachers who taught between 1890 and 1912. Miss Martha Cameron taught for seven years and walked three miles to school and home for all seven years at a small salary; real pioneering, surely. Miss Martha Cameron (now deceased) married Mr. Ramsay and went to Edmonton and we visited her when we were out there four years ago.
    Miss Jessie McKay was another teacher I knew in later years. Mrs. Calder of S.S.#1 Mara (Montreal School Section), now 91 years of age, boasts of going to school to Miss McKay.
    Mr. Alex. Birchard, who passed on some years ago, was another teacher whom I knew very well.

    Supplementary List, supplied by Mr. Harper Newman, with the assistance of Mrs. Peter Gilchrist, sister of Miss Martha Cameron (Mrs. Ramsay) and of Mrs. Calder.

    Teacher// Approx. Date Comm.// Approx. Date Ceased
    -Mr. Frank Lake 1892
    -Miss Martha Cameron 1899//
    (Mrs. Ramsay)
    -Mr. Alliston 1900//
    -Miss Martha Cameron 1901// 1906
    (Mrs. Ramsay)
    -Miss Mae Smith 1907// 1910
    -Mr. Percy Warren 1911// 1912

    **NOTE: Miss Cameron taught in 1899 then went to Model School-and taught again from 1901–1906

    -Mrs. Graves 1913// 1914// 20 months
    -Mr. Ross Leiterman 1915// 10 months
    -Mrs. Mamie Ross 1916// 10 months
    -Miss Katie Thrift 1917 Jan-Jun// 6 months
    -Miss Shier Sept 1917// Jun 1918// 10 “
    -Miss Lydia Smith Sept 1919// Jun 1920// 10 “
    -Miss Katheline Loyon Sept 1920// Jun 1921// 10 “
    -Miss Elizabeth Carson Sept 1921// Jun 1923// 20 “
    -Miss Oke Sept 1923// Jun 1924// 10 “
    -Miss Robertson Sept 1924// June 1926//20 “
    -Miss Best Sept 1926// Dec. 1927//14 “
    -Miss E. Larson Jan 1928// Jun 1930// 26 months
    -Miss Louise Furniss Sept 1930// Jun 1933// 30 “
    -Miss Bernice Chapman Sept 1933// Jun 1935// 20 “
    -Miss Rennie Sept 1935// Jun 1937// 20 “
    -Miss Whetter Sept 1937// Jun 1938// 10 “
    -Miss Dorothy Dales Sept 1938// Jun 1942// 40 “
    (Mrs. G. Gilchrist)
    -Miss Erma Dowswell Sept 1942// Jun 1943// 10 “
    -Mrs. Irene Windatt Sept 1943// Jun 1946// 30 “
    **-Mrs Lydia Speedie Sept 1946 // Jun 1954// 80 “
    (nee Smith)
    -Miss Ruby Sherer Sept 1954// Jun 1955// 10 “
    -Miss Estelle Snoddon Sept 1955// Jun 1956// 10 “
    -Mr. Barry Truman Sept 1956// Jun 1958// 20 “
    -Miss Estelle Snoddon Sept 1958// Jun 1959// 10 “
    -Miss Myrna Saunders Sept 1959// Jun 1961// 20 “
    -Mrs. Bernice Mortson Sept 1961// Jun 1962// 10 “
    (nee Wilson)
    -Mr. Edward R. Peltier Sept 1962// Jun 1964// 20 “
    -Mrs. Alfreda Snoddon Sept 1964//
    (nee Westmore)

    NOTE: Mr. Harper Newman also reports

    NOTE: According to the Superannuation Report for the school year 1947-48, Mrs. Lydia Speedie (nee Smith) was credited with 7 months and 8 days, & Bertha Mildred Wilcox with 2 months & 13 days.

    School Secretaries  rmcd.c

    -Mr. Hugh Johnson 1862–1869// 8 years
    -Mr. T. Warren 1870–1888// 19 years
    -Mr. David Bruce 1889-1891 // 3 years

    **records lacking for 1890–1912

    -Mr. Thomas Waddell 1913–1921// 9 years
    -Mr. John Bruce 1922-1941 // 20 years
    -Mrs. Elizabeth Furniss 1942-1954 // 13 years
    -Mr. Harper F. Newman 1955-1964 // 10 years


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    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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