Photo of the day
Edna, Thomas, James Genno
Edna, Thomas, James Genno

    Message Board and incoming mail

    Please use the “Contact” link to leave a message on this site
    Submission Committee

    Aug 23 2023  Subject Little Kelly
    Hello, I was wondering if there are any articles that talk more about Arthur Little Kelly? I think I may be a descendant from his lineage

    July 28 2023  Subject: Seeking Osterhout/Clapp in Dalton
    I am seeking burial or any other information regarding my gg-grandmother (widowed) Hannah Maria Clapp Osterhout living with adult Osterhout children and son-in-law John Livingston (married to daughter Margaret) in both thee 1881 and 1891 CA Census.
    Hannah has been a bonafide mystery for me and I have not found anything prior to her marriage to Henry Osterhout in 1850 or after 1891.


    Feb 22 2022  Information concerning St. Columbkille Church cemetery in Uptergrove
    My Great Grandparents, Grandparents and Parents, as well asn other family members are all buried in St. Colunbkille cemetery. A family plot was purchased there over 100 years ago, and a number of graves are still available in that plot.
    I am searching for information on how to go about using a burial site there. who to contact, documentation required costs involved etc.

    Aug 7 2021  Jenifer Waugh   making corrections/additions to family trees
    I am amazed at the number of individuals and trees contained on this website! In examining my McDonald tree (descended from Lieut. Alexander McDonald and Christina Cameron) I was wondering if there is any way to make corrections/additions.

    Submission Committee No problem –send us the details


    July 22 2021  isabel vaughan < Family Of James McGregor b 1800

    Most interested in connecting with person submitting the tree for James McGregor of Mara b 1800 and Elizabeth Grant b 1801.  Do hope either they will contact me or that I may access contact information for them.  Thank you!  Isabel Vaughan

    July 18 2021  Lorisa Watt (Corrigan)  Correction on family information
    Hello, John Richard Corrigan, my father passes away November 28th, 1980, and if you want all the information on the family tree and descendants, I can get you all the information

    May 9 2021   Joseph Jesseau   Antoine Gaudaur Jr

     Good Afternoon,  Antoine Gaudaur Jr was my Great, Great Great Grandfather, some of Your information on him is correct, some isnt.  Antoine Gaudaur Jr  Eldest Son of Antoine Gaudaur Sr, and Mary Shilling was born in a wigwam on  the shores of Lake Simcoe in 1817 where his Brother Francis Gaudaur was also Born in 1819.

    April 4 2021

    rom: Susanne Golzlin
    Subject: My grandmother and uncles plots
    Message Body:
    Hello, I came across this info. My great grandparents are Dorothy Stranger( juffs) and Jack  Juffs.
    My grandmother is Mary Elizabeth Juffs and her son is Ronald ( buddy) Juffs. They are both also buried at this cemetery but not listed.
    Looking for there info.

    Mar 30 2021

    From: Brad MacDonald
    Subject: how to upload pictures
    Message Body:
    My Grandfather John Alexander MacDonald was born in Mara  1882 and lived in Brechin.  I have a picture of him as a young man and his attestation paper for his signup during the Boer War.  I think it would be of interest.   Please advise on how upload to your site.  Thank you

    April 20 2020

    From: Elizabeth Calder-Zukowski <>
    Subject: Hugh Cameron (abt 1793 – 10 JUL 1875)

    Message Body:
    I am trying to do genealogy on my family and I have traced my Cameron relatives back to your town of Ramara, Ontario.  I’m stuck on my 3rd Great Grandfather, Hugh Cameron (abt 1793 – 10 July 1875) born in Scotland.  Hugh Cameron shows up on the 1851, 1861 and 1871 census’ as living in Mara & Rama.  I found a burial document that shows he was buried in Beaverton, Durham, Ontario in Union Cemetery. (can’t find this cemetery anywhere)  Even if I do find the cemetery, I’m not sure if it will provide his full date of birth or specific birth place, but that is my goal. 
    Hugh Cameron married Catherine Thomson on June 23, 1823 in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, and had four children (Daniel, Catherine, Alexander and John). At some point between 1845 and 1851 his family traveled to Mara & Rama, Ontario, Canada where Hugh lived and passed away on July 10, 1875.
    I believe that Hugh had a brother Angus who also lived in Mara & Rama.  I have strong evidence that they were descendants of Sir Ewen Cameron, a prominent Cameron Chieftan in the 1600’s.  Any additional information you know of would be extremely helpful.


    Sept 22 2019

    From: Noreen Sockett <>
    Subject: Udney SS#9 PHOTO 1937 student names are not correct.

    Message Body:
    The names of students in SS#9 School photo taken in June 1937 are incorrect.
    My father John Acton is in bottom left hand corner of picture. His sister Margaret (is 2nd from left in row behind my dad….girl with dark hair).   
    The names in this photo(1937 )   match the names of SS#9  school photo taken  for school year 1911-1912.
    My great  aunt Aunt Lila Lavelle (married name Power) is the tall girl in centre of the photo.  Elizabeth  McCann
    is beside her in photo.  (1911-1912)..
    Please contact me….when you have looked into these photos.  I would like to know who the other people are 
    In the 1937 picture.  Know  I saw original years ago.

    Sept 19 2019

    From: Russell Hall
    Subject: Healy family history

    Message Body:
    I would like to contact the person or persons that put together the
    Healy family history on your website.  I am a descendant of Owen Healy
    and would very much like to learn more about the Healy clan.
    Thank you,
    Russell Hall (great grandson of Owen Healy.

    Feb 5 2019

    From: Carol Hunter
    Subject: Search for Grandfather

    Message Body:
    My grandfather was born in May 1870 in Carden-Dalton township.  The first record I can find of him is in the 1871 census where he is shown to be living with Donald and Margaret McDonald and their family – the name on the census is Martin McFadyn.  Apparently he was born of a single mother and by the 1881 census had been adopted by the McDonalds and was known as Martin McDonald.
    Would you be able to help me track down his birth parents?  Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Message Body:
    Hello, I’m hoping you can help or lead me into proper direction. i’ve been trying to research my fathers side Edward McNabb and Sarah Jane Wilson. for 3 years and keep getting stuck. I know my grandfather (Edward Stanley) →">Continue reading

     “Seeking relatives of  SARAH McDonald 1853-1923 -She is the granddaughter of Alexander Blacksmith McDonald of North Mara. Her mother is Mary, daughter of Alex Blacksmith – Mary McDonald b 1833, m Donald Tailor McD in 1854. (a separate McDonald family)

    -On this website I searched all family names & found a Steele family tree that seems to match mine. Ann Steele was the mother of Donald Tailor McDonald (1818-1898) who is Sarah’s father. The submitter of the Steele chart is Trisha Bazilewich. On p 580 in They Came From Mara, the man called ‘Donald Tailor’ married Mary, daughter of Alex Blacksmith. In 1 of the historical clippings it seemed they thought he was a son, not so. He was married to the daughter. Sarah was also the cousin to the boat Captain on Lake Simcoe, A. B. McDonald.
    SARAH McDonald was my great grandmother. -Lisa Mackenzie, Edmonton

    I live in Simpson, a village in Buckinghamshire, England. I am researching the history of my house, Simpson House, which was built in 1830 by Charles Warren. Charles was the uncle of Thomas Goodman Warren, who emigrated to Beaverton, →">Continue reading

    I am looking for representatives of the family of  John Henry Thompson 1870-1956 and Margret Elenore  Henwood 1883 1966 and Ella, Grant, Lyle, Bert, Alice, Leslie,  Clifford, Glen and John They lived In Dalrymple then moved

     I am the step-daughter of Duncan T. Lambe who lived in and around the Brechin area and whose family are buried somewhere in the Brechin/Udney area. I am particularly interested in locating the burial place of his sister Irene Martin and his parents Joseph Lamb(e) who died in 1940 and Mary Lamb(e) who die at a young age somewhere around 1911. They all lived in the area and are buried close by. I have been unsuccessful in locating them both in the Udney United Church cemetery and The Fairvalley cemetery and all other protestant cemeteries in the area. I even thought perhaps the M. Dack farm but if that were the case they have all been moved elsewhere according to the genealogy sites that I have visited. I have been up in the area many times searching for some trace of them to no avail. I know that they are there somewhere because Duncan spoke of them when we lived in Brechin in the 1950’s and he mentioned they were somewhere near Udney. I was too young to pay attention to what he told us.
    Any information that you can provide to me with regards to their whereabouts would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps you would know a government agency that would handle vital statistics in that area.
    Thank you
    Elise (Lambe) Beck


    This came in on Dec 6 2017

    I noticed the post from a Elise about the Lamb family in which she was
    looking for Joseph and Mary who died about 1911. I do not see any
    contact info in regards to this post. There is a Joseph Lamb(e) who
    died in 1940 and Mary Lamb(e) who die at a young age somewhere around
    1911 in Saint Andrews and Saint James Cemetery  Orillia, Simcoe
    County, Ontario, Canada memorial # 169070745. Is there a way to contact her to see if this helps.noticed the post from a Elise about the Lamb family in which she was
    looking for Joseph and Mary who died about 1911. I do not see any


    icon post target - MARGARET (Maggie) MCGREGOR CAMPBELL AND MR CAMPBELLby isabel » Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:44 pm

    Seeking information on a “Mr and Mrs. Campbell (Maggie McGregor)” whose photo appears on pg 638 of “They Came to Mara…”
    I have been unsuccessful in identifying “Mr. Campbell”.
    I would love to know when and where the Campbells were married, where they lived after their marriage, whether they had children, etc.
    The photo in the book was courtesy of Mary Wither who contributed quite a number of the photos in the book. I wonder whether there might there be any way of determining who contributed the McGregor information.

    I would be most grateful for any assistance.


    James R Calback–Grace Lewis

    I am trying to get some information on James R CALBACK-1909-1979 and his wife Grace V LEWIS-1907-2005. I believe that they may be part of our family . I would appreciate communicating with anyone who could help me. Thank you.

    Michael Graham

    Hi I am a female descendant of Michael Graham and would like to submit a tree from ancestry for the Michael Graham family as I have many of his descendents. I even have a pic of his son William Patrick Graham, my g-grandfather. So I would like to know how to create an album also. Plus I still have not been able to find the parents of Michael Graham and where he was born in Ireland. Thanks Liz
    Website Exec.

    Submission Committee:
    Frances Laver
    Fred Lamb
    Mike Crosby
    Rick McNamee

    Tom Mangan
    Mike Crosby
    Frances Laver
    Steve McIsaac
    Herb Furniss

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