From County of Victoria , Centennial History by Watson Kirkconnel

Dalton Township is names after Dr. John Dalton (1766-1844), a famous English Scientist who did much to establish the atomic theory of the constitution of matter.
Dalton’s municipal neighbours are Carden on the south, Digby on the east, Ryde (Muskoka District) on the north and Rama (Ontario County) on the west. It is almost entirely made up of granite. Three streams, The Black River in the north, Cranberry River in the center and head River in the south flow across it from east to west. At least two thirds of the township consists of huckleberry rocks. Its scanty apportionment of arable soil lies chiefly near the Head River and the southern boundary, though small streaks of farming land may be found along the valleys of the other rivers. The Gardiners, Montgomerys and Thompsons were amongst the earliest settlers.
Scotch and Irish Presbyterians dominate the present day population. The latest census total is 204.
Uphill is a village of half a hundred people near the south end of the Digby boundary. It was long made famous by its tavern keeper of the North Star Hotel. Dartmoor in the south, Sadowa in the west and Ragged Rapids in the northeast has been the rural post offices. Sebright is a village of about fourscore. Habitants scattered on both sides of the Rama Dalton boundary where the Monck Road crosses it between the first and second concessions of Dalton.
It has been estimated that Dalton has 25,000 acres of non-agricultursl lands that are well adapted for reforestation.
One of the most picturesque figures in the municipal history of the township is Joseph Thompson, who was Reeve for a quarter of a century. Thompson was a great hunter and many legends have been handed down concerning his prowess in the wilderness.
89 and 90.


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