Post Offices and Postmasters
ArchivaNet – Library and Archives Canada

Submitted by Carden researcher Frances Laver


Name of Office: DALRYMPLE
Federal Electoral District: Victoria (Ontario)
Dates: 1870-04-01 to 1915-09-30

Postmaster Information:
Name of Postmaster: Date of Appointment: Date of Vacancy: Cause of Vacancy:
George Jarrett 1870-04-01 1872-03-11 Resignation
William Ivory 1875-10-01 1899-05-26 Death
George Ivory 1899-09-01 1915 Closed R.M.D.

Additional Information: Carden – 1870-04-01
Source: PSFDS03-1064

Name of Office: ROHALLION
Federal Electoral District: Victoria N. (Ontario)
Dates: 1889-10-01 to 1915-12-31

Postmaster Information:
Name of Postmaster: Date of Appointment: Date of Vacancy: Cause of Vacancy:
Thomas Strachan 1889-10-01 1897-09-04 Resignation
Francis McElroy 1898-05-01 1904-03-19 Resignation
Mrs. Nicholas Whalen 1904-05-23 1915-12-31 Closed R.M.D.

Additional Information: Carden – 1889-10-01
Source: PSFDS03-3817

Name of Office: CARDEN
Federal Electoral District: Victoria N.R. (Ontario)
Dates: 1862-03-01 to 1885-04-01
1886-11-01 to 1910-12-01
1911-06-01 to 1914-03-13

Postmaster Information:
Name of Postmaster: Date of Appointment: Date of Vacancy: Cause of Vacancy:
Rich Delany 1862-03-01 1866-08-22 Resignation
James Carlin 1866-11-01 1870-11-24 Resignation
Jacob Belfry 1871-06-01 1882-02-02 Resignation
Daniel Tree 1882-05-01 1883-04-02 Resignation – closed
Robert Cowan (re-opened) 1886-11-01 1888-09-03 Resignation
William Taylor 1889-02-01 1890 Death
Pat McCarthy 1890-12-01 1910 Closed
Louis Martin (re-opened) 1911-06-01 1914-02-27 Resignation – closed

Source: PSFDS03-700



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Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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