I wrote this story from notes on a telivision show. –Persons smarter than I may may want to correct some seguences and details.
* If so, add your corrections via the contact link (front page)

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Two Hundred thousand years ago the first people showed up in Africa .The “X”
chromosome belongs to a woman, the “Y” chromosome is for the man
Speaking in relation to the genetics of the modern day male and female,
the scientific Eve is 150,000 BC, while the Scientific Adam is only 60,000 BC making an age difference of 90,000 years
This is explained by saying All the Male genes from the first family became extinct do to drought or famine or some natural catastrophes .Its like the oldest son of a family moved to the west’ raised a family and that family was nearly wiped out in some disaster but back at home the oldest daughter raised a family and the oldest daughter of the oldest daughter continued to have children for 90,000 years finally meeting up with one men from the family out west

AND FROM THEM CAME THE OTHER12 BILLION OF US and we share  99.9% the same DNA. The closest relation to the original people is a tribe still in east Africa called the San or Sab It is the genetic markers that show the differences in us. From these markers scientists can tell where our ancestors were and at what time in the history of mankind. These markers are a human GPS in reverse. They tell where we were and when we were in that area
180,000 B C.  Africa had a lush green climate that allowed humanity to prosper until about 130,000 B C. Then that climate changed and by 70,000 BC the total human population was down to 2,000 people (WE were an endangered species)
Then the climate changed again and humanity began to prosper.
By 60,000 BC humanity left Africa for Asia by way of the Arabian peninsula and followed the coastal plains around to Thailand and across the land bridge to Australia.. Due to demographic pressures,  the human tide covered this distance in 10,000 years advancing at an average of two kilometers a year
50,000 BC another group followed the grasslands north but this time they crossed the top of the red sea and around the coast into Turkey and Euro-Asia
Sometime in this time frame  the Indonesian Island of Topa blew up with the biggest volcanic eruption ever. The Ash from Topa blocked out the sun for years and killed most of the northern population. After this, a group of the original African expansion –that went East–returned North West from Thailand and met the remnants of the surviving second group.NOW we have the soup the makes up most of our DNA –in Europe and North America
This could have been in ancient Mesopotamia where the Bible says was “Cradle of civilizations”
From this cauldron, humanity moved west into Europe arriving in Bosnia 35,000 BC and pushing on to Ireland (where all good things end). Another group took highway M173 (marker173) east across the Asian steppes and the Bering land bridge arriving in North America about 30,000 BC  and all the way down the coast to Puerto Rico and Chile by 14,000BC
Genetic markers show us where we were and at what time by the different mixture of genetics from different groups of people coming from different directions to the same place We were all BLACK at one time but due to the lack of sun and the need for our bodies to absorb Vitamin C, we gradually changed to our present ‘Caucasian” appearance–from northern Europe
There are 5,000 distinct languages in the world—similar people with similar DNA have similar languages.



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Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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