When researching passed relatives–Look up the name of your inquiry–Mark down the number of the gravesites you wish to research –Then page down the number index to that person-Ladies should be listed by their maiden name iF YOU KNOW ANY MAIDEN NAMES FOR ANY LADIES LET US KNOW

Agnew 12, 15, 71

Alcock 41

Alton 178, 180, 181

Angers 48, 54, 55, 65, 66

Angiers 31, 61, 62, 63, 64, 237

Armstrong 71

Bacon 12

Barclay 137

Barker 37

Barrett 70, 137, 139, 174, 221, 527

Barton 161

Bell 532

Bermingham 67

Bernier 25

Bowins 46, 47, 179

Boyle 6

Bradamore 17, 21, 22, 146, 148, 234

Bradimour 97

Brown 513

Burke 56, 73, 74, 78, 116, 125, 126,

Cameron 100, 101

Carlin 212

Cassidy 5, 162, 163

Cameron 528

Ceiffets 113

Cloy 90

Clutchey 28

Commerford 29, 35, 80, 157

Condon 125, 128

Connelly 13, 112, 151, 154

Connolly 10, 92, 103, 104, 120, 222, 536, 538

Conway 53

Craggs 11, 511,525

Croman 134

Cronin 141, 158, 202, 203

Crowley 24, 237

Cutler 32, 516

Dawson 145

Definney 17

Demoe 96, 193

Drury 156

Donnelly 534

Duggan 114, 166, 197, 198, 199, 201,, 207, 208, 209, 211
520, 533, 531, 532

Eagleson 75

Ellis 156

Emsur 138

Finn 43, 73, 74, 128, 129, 130,131,132,142, 143
155, 172,173, 190, 191, 203, 207, 208, 221, 514

Fitzgearls 144

Fitzgerald 11, 36, 38, 40, 79, 162, 164, 182, 183, 188, 511,518

Flemming 29

Flynn 143

Foley 13, 53, 83, 84, 85, 92, 93,503

Fountain 219

Fraser 58

Gardiner 140, 141

George 160

Gilkinson 510

Grozelle 105, 107, 216, 529

Dunbar 512

Hannivan 62, 159, 507

Harrigan 56, 537

Hart 27

Healey 229, 230

Healy 231

Henderson 112, 538

Hero 143

Hicks 42

Hill 121

Holm-Lawson 508

Hoskins 510

Hogan 128, 133

Hoban 519

Holland 168

Jacob 76

Lake 147

Laroach 210

Law 57

Liscombe 33, 146, 147, 215

MacArthur 191

Maczuck 36

Maloney 133

Markey 94

Marren 184, 196, 201, 220

Martin 111, 112, 113, 114, 237,500, 520, 521

McAllister 81, 82, 184

McAlpine 105,

McCarthy 39, 194, 195, 513

McCaughey 86, 509

McDonald 19, 23, 24, 32, 33, 72, 83, 101,164, 168, 169, 171
172, 173, 174, 192, 206, 516, 528

McElroy 110, 166, 167, 220, 530

McFadden 20, 77, 115, 122, 123, 124, 217, 524, 526

McGee 78, 89, 117, 127, 175, 534

McGovern 94

McNamee 34, 87, 89, 142, 189, 205, 213, 214, 537

McNaney 6, 8, 9, 41, 58, 59, 102, 103, 109, 110, 219, 222, 237
501,502,503,512, 515,535,

McNarney 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228

McNiell 86

McNulty 42, 95, 118, 119, 165, 182

McRae 98

Millaley 149, 155, 187, 200, 204

Miller 81, 188

Mitchell 52, 68, 144

Montieth 205

Mulhern 235

Murphy 16, 45, 90, 91, 504, 519

Myers 7

Nary 56

O’Brien 127, 198

O’Connor 224, 232, 233

O’Hara 123,524

O’Neil 91, 144, 145, 150, 152, 153

O’Neill 10, 82, 86, 232, 536

O’Reilly 118

O’Shea 163

Ott 202

Pearce 216

Prassie 108

Prossie 149

Reid 50, 60

Reynolds 233

Roth 8, 9, 514, 540

Russell 1

Rutter 61

Ryan 30, 76, 77, 87, 234, 517

Sears 51, 52, 69, 176, 177, 186

Shackleton 126

Sheehey 137

Sheehy 136

Sheldon 30, 31, 517

Sheridan 189

Silverthorn 2, 3, 4

Smith 237,527

St. Denis 205

Stewart 45, 504

Strachan 99

Strasser 25

Sullivan 50, 84

Swainson 44

Talbot 167, 530

Taylor 111

Tough 18, 236,515

Tulley 116

Twohey 199

Walsh 70, 212

Welsh 213

Whalen 5, 27, 43, 44, 83, 95, 175, 507, 508, 509

Wilkinson 14, 15

Willis 34

Wylie 16, 19, 28, 185, 193, 218, 226

Victoria Road Cemetery, St. Mary’s

Lot 3, Concession 3, Bexley Township, Victoria County

Section A

1. Mary Ellen RUSSELL

February 27, 1960 – October 19, 1963

2. Patricia Ann d/o Lloyd & Winnifred SILVERTHORN

December 3, 1954 – November 29, 1963

3. James Joseph  s/o Lloyd & Winnifred SILVERTHORN

April 15, 1958- December 25, 1962

4. Kerry Francis s/o Lloyd & Winnifred SILVERTHORN

January 17, 1961 – June 6, 1979

5. James J. CASSIDY 1894 – 1963 wife Evangeline WHALEN 1897 –

6. Mary M. McNANEY 1900 – 1962 wife of John P. BOYLE 1894 – 1963

7. MYERS Florence M.E. 1900 – 1977 Andrew M. 1891 – 1964

8. Katherine McNANEY February 7, 1902 – December 7, 1964

wife of Wilfred ROTH

9. Fred ROTH July 10, 1901 – May 20, 1986 husband of Helen McNANEY

10. William S. O’NEILL 1893 – 1965 wife Margaret H. CONNOLLY 1902 – 1981

11. Frank CRAGGS 1902 – wife Margaret FITZGERALD 1910 – 1966
There sons Maurice Michael (Morley) 1943
Francicis Leo 1939–1991

12. Raymond R. BACON 1916 – 1970 wife Muriel H. AGNEW

13. Mother Eleanor CONNELLY 1900 – 1969

son John F. FOLEY 1928 – 1971

14. Sandra Mary WILKINSON June 25, 1955 – September 13, 1961

15. Charles Henry WILKINSON 1919 – 1979 wife Lorraine C. AGNEW

16. Edward J. MURPHY 1896 – 1970 wife Ellen M. WYLIE 1901 – 1967

17. Peter J. BRADAMORE 1887 – 1968

wife Katherine DEFINNEY 1895 – 1979

18. Julia C. (O’Neil) TOUGH 1896 – 1971

19. Harold Patrick McDONALD 1902 – 1971

wife Gladys E. WYLIE 1908 – 1981

20. Joseph William McFADDEN 1878 – 1973

21. Adekine Elizabeth BRADAMORE RN August 23, 1925

daughter of Peter & Katherine

22. Maurice James “Frenchie” BRADAMORE 1929 – 1987

husband of Helen son of Peter & Catherine

23. William Matthew McDONALD 1912 – 1971

24. Stephen CROWLEY 1905 – 1975 wife Mary McDONALD

25. Louis STRASSER 1900 – 1970 wife Rachel BERNIER 1895 – 1985

26. Michael 1953 – 1968

27. Francis J. WHALEN 1894 – 1972 wife Agnes A. HART 1895 – 1979

Their son Joseph Michael 1923 – 1942 Interred in Hong Kong

28. Lavery S. WYLIE 1904 – 1978 wife Veronica CLUTCHEY 1908 – 1973

29. Irene M. COMMERFORD July 12, 1904 – June 19, 1985

wife of Wilfred J. FLEMMING

30. John Dickson RYAN 1922 – 1987 wife Grace M. SHELDON 1926 –

son Peter J. 1960 – 1975 Forever in our hearts

31. Berneice M. SHELDON 1920 – 1976 husband Ralph A. ANGIERS 1917 –

32. Michael Charles McDONALD 1957 – 1987 husband of Beverly CUTLER

Father of Michael & Sabrina

33. Patrick Charles McDONALD 1921 – 1978

wife Verna R. LISCOMBE 1929 –

34. John E. (Jack) WILLIS 1914 – 1979 wife Mabel McNAMEE – 1999

35. COMMERFORD Theresa K. 1906 – 1988 James V. 1920 – 1980

36. William James FITZGERALD February 6, 1899 – March 30, 1984

wife Annette MACZUCK February 21, 1915 – October 28, 1984

37. Douglas J. BARKER May 14, 1957 – September 5, 1976

38. William John FITZGERALD May 15, 1927 – March 24, 1977

His many virtues form the noblest monument to his memory.

39. Grandson McCARTHY 1978

40. William T. FITZGERALD 1933 – 1979 Joyce M. 1936 –

41. Benjamin ALCOCK 1901 – 1981 wife Dorothy A. McNANEY 1915 –

42. Rosanna Irene McNULTY HICKS September 27, 1908 – November 27, 1986

43. Mother Marie M. FINN 1932 –

Father William F. WHALEN 1926 – 1989

Loving parents of Michael, Dennis, Frank

44. Leonard J. WHALEN 1921 – 1990 wife Kathleen SWAINSON 1923 –

45. Gladys M. MURPHY 1925 – 1989 husband John E. STEWART 1923 –

Section B

46. Velma daughter of Daniel BOWINS October 8, 1922 14 years

47. Peter son of John & Clara BOWINS November 24, 1911 28 years 10 months

Grosell wife of John BOWINS July 22, 1899 52 years 2 months

48. Agustus ANGERS Native of the Province of Quebec

March 31, 1887 72 years

49. Markers: Mary; Gertie; Annie; Mother; Father

50. SULLIVAN Francis Stafford June 2, 1892 7 months 9 days

Margaret May December 30, 1893 3 months 16 days

Francis Joseph October 27, 1896 1 year 7 months

Children of Cornelius & Mary A. SULLIVAN

Mary Ann REID w/o Cornelius SULLIVAN March 9, 1902 36 years 7 months

51. Dennis T. Patrick SEARS February 5, 1925 – October 10, 1976

52. Catherine Elizabeth d/o M. & J. SEARS August 3, 1902 11 months

Johannah MITCHELL w/o Mark SEARS May 8, 1904 42 years

53. Matt FOLEY September 17, 1880 – July 23, 1964

wife Maggie CONWAY October 26, 1883

Dan FOLEY July 13, 1913

Nellie FOLEY August 18, 1918 – November 9, 1925

Joseph Foley October 10, 1884

54. Our sister Edna Claire ANGERS March 11, 1893 – November 29, 1933

55. Sanford L. ANGERS Private Irish Regt of Canada 4 August 1978 65 years

56. HARRIGAN Eliza d/o John BURKE February 8, 1898 29 years

John BURKE June 1886 70 years

wife Letitia NARY May 20, 1902 75 years

Letitia Irene d/o John & Ann HARRIGAN July 18, 1904 6 years

Joseph December 22, 1884 Infant child

57. Francis N. LAW November 29, 1883 71years

58. Patrick McNANEY October 25, 1904 77 years 5 months

Native of Annisken, CO Monaghan, Ireland

John McNANEY January 2, 1883 18 years 2 days

Rosey McNANEY wife of Angus FRASER February 23, 1884 28 years 3 months

59. (Broken stone) John s/o P. & M. McNANEY June 2, 1883 18 years

60. Francis REID August 22, 1905 80 years

wife Margaret December 25, 1906 75 years

61. Margaret RUTTERS (ANGIERS) 1892 – 1971

62. HANNIVAN Katherine (ANGIERS) On Earth February 7, 1922

In Heaven April 3, 1989

63. Stafford Michael ANGIERS 1888 – 1952

64. SB 7678 PTE Lawrence R. ANGIERS 2 R. H. C. September 12, 1956 24 years

65. Peter B. ANGERS May 18, 1963 – April 13, 1957

66. ANGERS Sanford 1913 – 1978 Lillian 1912 –


68. Moses MITCHELL April 9, 1855 73 years Native of Wexford CO, Ireland

69. Michael SEARS August 24, 1889 77 years Native of Co. Mayo, Ireland

70. John WALSH 1883 – 1970 wife Nellie BARRETT 1877 – 1963

Joseph WALSH 1885 – 1973

71. James A. AGNEW 1894 – 1959 wife Gertrude ARMSTRONG

72. McDONALD Mary 1878 – 1963 Nellie 1876 – 1971

73. Michael FINN 1875 – 1963 wife Elizabeth BURKE 1878 – 1959

74. Edward BURKE 1865 – March 1, 1930 wife Catherine FINN 1868 – 1956

Lawrence BURKE 1898 – August 21, 1921

75. Frank EAGLESON October 24, 1913 88 years

wife Catherine December 18, 1910 81 years

Michael Patrick s/o Francis G. & Catherine EAGLESON

February 7, 1884 20 years 10 months

Franks EAGLESON Jr. October 23, 1909 50 years

76. RYAN Francis Edward 1916 – 1920 Stephen Joseph 1855 – 1934

Elizabeth Mary 1856 – 1943 Michael Joseph 1886 – 1952

Esther A. JACOB 1889 – 1970

77. James McFADDEN February 19, 1910 81 years

wife Ann RYAN 1851 – 1925 their son Patrick Hugh 1877 – 1951

78. Michael J. McGEE 1891 – 1973

wife Elizabeth C. BURKE 1900 – 1967

79. Rosella d/o John & Margaret FITZGERALD April 18, 1907 30 years

80. Cecilia B. d/o John & Eliza COMMERFORD July 31, 1921 15 years 7 months

81. Russell MILLER September 1, 1906 1 year 9 months

( C )harles McALLISTER April 27, 1913 80 years (stone is chipped)

82. Patrick McALLISTER March 20, 1880 70 years

wife Mary O’NEILL August 11, 1897 90 years

83. Mary WHALEN w/o Patrick McDONALD December 28, 1914 34 years

Catherine WHALEN w/o Michael FOLEY December 16, 1911 22 years

Erected by their husbands

84. Thomas FOLEY October 15, 1870 65 years

wife Abbie SULLIVAN February 23, 1893 87 years

85. Francis Patrick s/o James ? & Catherine FOLEY ?

November 17, 1880 3 years 3 days (old stone)

86. Erected by James McCAUGHEY in memory of his wife Catherine McNIELL

who departed this life on January 1, 1911 She is not dead but sleepeth

87. Joseph D. McNAMEE 1910 – 1984 wife B. Josephine RYAN 1916 – 1989

88. In memory of our son Frank Partrick McNamee 1916 – 1976
And his sons Patrick Leo–1946-
Larry (Lawrence)Francis1951-

89. Patrick D. McNAMEE 1880 – 1974 wife Rosemary McGEE 1884 – 1974

90. Patrick MURPHY May 7, 1889 75 years

wife Susan CLOY June 15, 1898 80 years

91. Mary O’NEIL w/o John MURPHY July 31, 1901 33 years

daughter Susan October 20 (? 1895 or 1896) 3 months

Charles December 20, 1900 40 years

Margaret February 15, 1888 35 years

92. Our Parents Michael FOLEY 1831 – 1923

wife Catherine CONNOLLY 1849 – 1926

93. John Foley April 24, 1927 81 years

wife Catherine July 12, 1884 32 years

94. Jane MARKEY w/o Peter McGOVERN June 21, 1880 65? Years 9 months

(broken stone)

95. John L. WHALEN son November 30, 1885 – May 6, 1960

Rose McNULTY w/o Nicholas WHALEN August 25, 1854 – January 21, 1947

Nicholas WHALEN March 7, 1900 61 years

daughter Margaret WHALEN May 29, 1878 – May 24, 1969

96. Joseph DEMOE October 12, 1905 63 years

97. Mary w/o Julian BRADIMOUR June 2, 1894 56 years 5 months

98. Colin McRAE November 12, 1894 75 years

Flora May 24, 1863 3years Jannet Agnes September 5, 1893 19 years

Duncan February 17, 1910 40 years Mary Ann May 24, 1865 6 years

Jennet d/o Colin & Margaret McRAE February 16, 1852 1 month 11 days

(Stone is badly worn and hard to read)

99. Susie May September 3, 1900 15 months

Mary Ellen June 26, 1902 11 months

Daughters of Wm. & Sarah? J. STRACHAN?

100. Donald s/o Alex & Catherine CAMERON

February 1, 1882 12 years 4 months 17 days (broken stone)

101. Catherine McDONALD w/o Alexander CAMERON June 6, 1907 77 years

102. Bridget w/o John McNANEY April 10, 1882 78 years

Native of County Monaghan, Ireland

British Empire Service League Canadian Legion

103. Thomas CONNOLLY May 10, 1869 45 years

Ann CONNOLLY nee McNANEY March 2 (?1854 or 1864) 34 years

104. William s/o James & Elizabeth CONNOLLY November 28, 1890 31 years

James CONNOLLY Native of Queen’s County, Ireland

Born 1820 Died at Bolsover, Canada January 7, 1891

105. Annie McALPINE w/o Alphonse GROZELLE Dec. 15, 1855 – Sept. 1, 1903

son Archibald Samuel February 3, 1903 – March 10, 1903

Alphonse 1854 – 1921

106. Marker John

107. Napoleon GROZELLE July 16, 1884 39 years

108. George David s/o David & Maggie PRASSIE June 3, 1904 17 years

109. Wilfred L. McNANEY 1900-1971

110. Susan Ann McELROY w/o John McNANEY September 11, 1897 33 years

Their children Margaret Ann September 22, 1891 1 year

Mary Ethel January 18, 1894 1 year 8 months

111. Joseph Francis MARTIN 1870 – 1946

Wife Susan E. TAYLOR 1881 – 1921

112. HENDERSON Catherine MARTIN (CONNELLY) July 1, 1907 – September 22, 1989

w/o Leo James

113. Helen Rose CEIFFETS (MARTIN) 1912 – 1969

114. DUGGAN Anne S. MARTIN October 24, 1909 – June 13, 1985

115. McFADDEN Father 1832 – 1921 Mother 1839 – 1918

Timothy D. 1875 – 1898 Mary S. 1882 – 1904

Peter & Hugh Infants

116. Catherine TULLEY w/o Patrick BURKE May 18, 1898 62 years

Native of Roscommon, Ireland

117. Charles Joseph s/o Pat’k & R. McGEE July 7, 1891 5 months

Ann Hughs w/o Patrick McGEE January 14, 1895 78 years

118. William McNULTY November 10, 1908 48 years

John H. McNULTY October 3, 1929 65 years

Michael McNULTY March 11, 1907 89 years

Wife Catherine O’REILLY October 4, 1906 83 years

119. McNULTY

120. Mary CONNOLLY August 25, 1863 – March 9, 1912

121. Margaret w/o Joseph HILL May 11, 1882 86 years

122. Albert (Abb) McFADDEN January 31, 1931 – November 12, 1985

123. Thomas A. McFADDEN 1880 – 1958 wife Mary A. O’HARA

Their son Michael 1929 – 1933

124. James D. (Jim) McFADDEN November 10, 1932 – January 20, 1981

s/o Bert & Mary McFADDEN

125. Wilfred T. BURKE 1901 – 1975

wife Kathleen M. CONDON 1898 – 1978 Gerard W. BURKE 1932 –

William J. BURKE 1930 – 1953 Jarvis Francis BURKE 1933 – 1961

126. Thomas BURKE May 13, 1919 48 years

wife Catherine SHACKLETON 1876 – 1966

Their son Melvin 1910 – 1922

127. Edward O’BRIEN 1847 – 1921 Marian ( Mary Ann McNARNEY) O’BRIEN 1861 – 1900

Thomas O’BRIEN October 12, 1915 73 years

wife Mary McGEE August 21, 1922 75 years

128. Mary CONDON w/o David FINN Sr. August 19, 1887 96 years

Native of County Cork, Ireland

William FINN October 10, 1888 56 years

wife Mary HOGAN June 20, 1911 71 years

John September 14, 1931 69 years James November 30, 1931 67 years

William September 14, 1931 59 years Sons of Wm. & Mary FINN

129. Patrick FINN Native of County Cork, Ireland (Broken stone)

January 1, 1876 40 years

130. Timothy FINN November 26, 1883 47 years

Bridget d/o Timothy & Mary FINN August 12, 1882 1 year 4 months

131. Father David William FINN November 5, 1859 – April 6, 1938

132. Mother Mary BURKE FINN June 5, 1875 – November 18, 1946

133. Bridget MALONEY w/o Patrick HOGAN February 19, 1894 80 years

James HOGAN December 12, (?1906) 68 years (stone badly worn)

134. Mary Alma CROMAN died April 16, 1915

135. Joseph

136. Edward SHEEHY September 3, 1896 60 years

Thomas SHEEHY June 3, 1879 70 years

wife Mary November 19, 1889 34 years

137. John BARRETT 1841 – 1912 wife Mary SHEEHY 1842 – 1907

Their sons John 1861 – 1926 Edward 1857 – 1914

Their dau Bessie BARCLAY 1880 – 1908

138. Narcipe EMSUR May 2, 1904 – January 31, 1909

139. Emrie Marie d/o John & Mary A. BARRETT June 18, 1905 3 years 7 months

140. Dennis Patrick GARDINER March 14, 1901 29 years 3 months

141. Edward GARDINER born January 16, 1841

wife Mary Elizabeth CRONIN May 10, 1852 – November 19, 1930

Joseph GARDINER April 25, 1889 – December 16, 1922

Section C

142. David FINN wife Margaret McNAMEE August 25, 1873 – September 1, 1959

dau Edna Rose December 12, 1909 – December 6, 1990

143. Hannah FLYNN w/o Francis HERO died 1894 77 years

144. John O’NEIL 1857 – 1931

Catherine FITZGEARLS w/o John O’NEIL December 20, 1922 59 years

Catherine MITCHELL w/o John O’NEIL December 20, 1926 23 years

145. Henry DAWSON aged 75 years

wife Mary O’NEIL January 17, 1929 60 years

146. Mina Louisa LISCOMBE (BRADAMORE) October 12, 1865 – May 8, 1943

147. LISCOMBE Minnie L. 1865 – 1943 dau Elizabeth Lake 1892 – 1977

148. John T. BRADAMORE 1853 – 1924

149. Adele PROSSIE w/o John MILLALEY July 11, 1922 50 years

John MILLALEY February 14, 1948 77 years Margaret M. 1895 – 1990

150. James D. O’NEIL September 24, 1903 44 years

151. Joan CONNELLY 1938 – 1951

152. John O’NEIL March 22, 1868 46 years wife Mary April 22, 1876 63 years

153. Katie L. O’NEIL October 9, 1893 14 years

Elizabeth w/o James O’NEIL October 9, 1893 35 years

Mary J. O’NEIL October 7, 1893 15 years 4 months

154. John CONNELLY 1893 – 1955

155. Frank P. FINN 1902 – 1938 wife Loretta MILLALEY 1900 –

Their children Baby 1931 Frankie 1937 – 1938

156. John DRURY 1828 – 1885 wife Eleanor ELLIS 1836 – 1907

Their daughters Mary Jane; Margaret E.

157. A. Patricia COMMERFORD March 17, 1915 – October 10, 1956

158. John CRONIN May 23, 1913 50 years

159. Patrick HANNIVAN September 1, 1901 62 years 8 months

John James HANNIVAN September 30, 1889 17 years 10 months

Julia Agnes HANNIVAN October 22, 1892 2 years 5 months

160. GEORGE Charles. L. 1868 – 1950 Johannah M. 1874 – 1967

161. BARTON Ellen w/o Peter BARTON August 11, 1899 75 years

John C. January 27, 1875 20 years Peter Feb 4, 1875 22 years

Bartholomew November 1876 28 years sons of Peter & Ellen BARTON

162. Joseph Leo FITZGERALD April 8, 1888 – January 27, 1958

wife Helen Mary CASSIDY March 25, 1892 – August 4, 1952

163. Thomas CASSIDY 1862 – 1918 wife Elizabeth O’SHEA 1865 – 1931

dau Nora 1890 – 1919

164. James McDONALD February 3, 1867 – September 21, 1956

wife Annie FITZGERALD July 14, 1883 – October 1, 1960

165. McNULTY Victor 1901 – 1949 Elizabeth 1873 – 1958

166. Hugh McELROY September 13, 1876 – April 19, 1946

wife Catherine DUGGAN July 24, 1886 – May 13, 1944

dau Helen October 1, 1915 – May 30, 1954

167. Jack Douglas TALBOT December 5, 1920 – August 4, 1973

wife Anna Marie McELROY February 6, 1918 –

168. Charles McDONALD 1823 – 1908 wife Johanna HOLLAND 1842 – 1926

169. McDonald William J. August 23, 1897 22 years

Michael M. June 8, 1899 21 years

170. In Memory of Cornelius February 20, 1871 6 weeks

Jeremiah C. November 30, 1884 5 months

Children of (illegible) –note Ont. Archives records indicate Cornelius & Jeremiah were sons of Charles & Johanna (Holland) McDonald- Cornelius born 27 Dec 1870, died 2 Feb 1871– Jeremiah born 25 Jun 1884, Carden Twp.

The names are illegible but a cornerstone with McD is on top of this badly broken stone. There are also two markers which say G. McD and J.F. McD

171. William McDONALD March 30, 1905 67 years Native of CO. Cork, Ireland

wife Hanora BURKE December 21, 1927 82 years

dau Elizabeth 1882 – 1950 son William 1875 – 1951

172. Catherine FINN w/o Patrick McDONALD June 18, 1910 69 years

Born in County Cork, Ireland

Their son William McDONALD July 2, 1872 – October 14, 1894

173. Cornelius McDONALD 1880 – 1963 wife Margaret FINN 1886 – 1980

Ever Remembered Ever Loved

174. Cornelius McDONALD December 25, 1926 65th year

wife Mary Ann BARRETT December 17, 1938 69th year

175. William WHALEN January 6, 1884 – December 25, 1955

wife Ethel Marie McGEE October 13, 1895 – May 4, 1951

son Nicholas Patrick May 7, 1920 – December 10, 1966

176. Moses William SEARS October 10, 1956 58 years

177. Mark Joseph SEARS 1889 – 1969

178. ALTON John 1896 – 1952 Loretto 1898 – 1968

179. Daniel BOWINS August 4, 1879 – November 29, 1957

180. ALTON Charles Edward h/o Bertha ALTON February 18, 1921 28 years

William Richard s/o J.F. & Elizabeth ALTON

August 25, 1918 28 years Buried in Surrey, England

181. Elizabeth d/o James F. & E. ALTON February 23, 1920 22 years

182. Jennie d/o P. & C. FITZGERALD March 5, 1915 21 years

Patrick FITZGERALD 1860 – 1935

wife Catherine McNULTY 1856 – 1941

son John P. September 23, 1906 16 years 6 months 3 days

Kind friends beware as you pass by

As you are now so once was I

As I am now so you must be

Prepare therefore to follow me

183. Richard FITZGERALD March 16, 1899 76 years

wife Mary April 8, 1872 42 years

184. Peter MARREN August 12, 1922 89 years

wife Mary McALLISTER July 29, 1899 61 years

son Thomas May 7, 1871 7 years 4 months

185. Tho’s J. WYLIE September 18, 1917 65 years

Andrew WYLIE May 1888 62 years

dau Maggie Jane March 12, 1914 56 years

186. Michael SEARS October 12, 1920 64 years

Bridget SEARS March 1, 1920 56 years

187. Thomas MILLALEY October 4, 1931 71 years

wife Mary Ann (SEARS) November 2, 1922 61 years

188. Elizabeth MILLER w/o William FITZGERALD November 17, 1898 – March 12, 1929

189. James McNAMEE 1864 – 1931 wife
Catherine SHERIDAN 1862 – 1938

190. Maurice D. FINN Signalman R.C.C.S. August 5, 1975 age 67

191. Maurice P. FINN h/o Verona E. McARTHUR 1936 – 1959

My Cross is My Anchor

192. McDONALD Matthew 1873 – 1949 wife Ellen 1886 – 1960

Their son James 1925 – 1969

193. John WYLIE 1868 – 1941 wife Nellie DEMOE 1875 – 1960

194. Dennis McCARTHY December 19, 1868 – September 19, 1961

195. Johanna w/o Dennis McCARTHY June 1876 76 years

Native of County Limerick, Ireland

196. Bridget MARREN January 23, 1899 34 years 3 months

197. William A. s/o P. & E. DUGGAN September 27, 1881 23 years

Pat’k DUGGAN February 14, 1885? 70 years (broken stone)

198. Ellen O’BRIEN w/o Patrick DUGGAN Sr.

Donated by her son Patrick R. DUGGAN

199. Maggie TWOHEY w/o Daniel DUGGAN January 9, 1893 37 years

Daniel DUGGAN March 4, 1933 73 years

200. John MILLALEY June 9, 1908 76 years

201. William P. DUGGAN May 9, 1890 – October 6, 1950

wife Alma C. MARREN October 30, 1896 – November 16, 1981

202. Charles Edward OTT died May 28, 1984

wife Teresa M. CRONIN died October 19, 1989

203. Dennis CRONIN 1856 – 1952 wife Mary Ann FINN 1887 – 1963

204. Mary F. MILLALEY 1893 – 1949 Michael F. MILLALEY 1891 – 1953

205. Thomas J. McNAMEE 1878 wife Jean I. ST.DENIS 1884
her sister
Isabella ST.DENIS ??—1957- ———————Their adopted daughter (birth name Pigot)————–
Patrica Apr.2-1924 – Sept.24–2007- and her husband
Edgar Earl Montheith Oct 5 1926–Aug.16 1996

206. Patrick J. McDONALD March 31, 1882 – November 25, 1960

wife C. Cassie McDONALD May 15, 1880 – September 7, 1961

Older son Joseph (Joe) 1920 – 1986

207. Murt DUGGAN December 13, 1860 – June 6, 1951

wife Sarah FINN January 22, 1876 – March 4, 1957

208. Patrick R. DUGGAN September 25, 1866 – July 7, 1955

wife Margaret FINN April 12, 1873 – September 6, 1971

209. Murt A. DUGGAN August 4, 1904 – September 1, 1965

Wm. P. DUGGAN May 14, 1897 – January 7, 1974

210. Hannah w/o Henry LAROACH June 11, 1909 56 years

211. Mary E. DUGGAN November 4, 1899 – November 24, 1976

Clarence V. DUGGAN January 22, 1900 – September 4, 1983


212. Patrick WALSH January 1, 1878 76 years

wife Mary CARLIN March 15, 1893 93 years

Thomas WALSH May 10, 1909 22 years

Elizabeth A. WALSH April 3, 1941 49 years

John WALSH October 24, 1939 96 years

Mary A. WALSH May 11, 1959 102 years

213. Frances McNAMEE November 5, 1895 25 years

Daniel McNAMEE April 26, 1893 65 years

wife Mary WELSH September 17, 1938 96 years

214. Mary McNamee February 25, 1874 14 years

Thos. John November 12, 1876 11 months

215. Wooden Cross Mary LISCOMBE

216. GROZELLE Peter Edwin 1907 – 1985

wife M. Lavina PEARCE 1908 – 1954

217. James John McFADDEN January 31, 1879 – March 16, 1963

Leonard D. McFADDEN August 29, 1886 – May 26, 1965

218. WYLIE William J. 1880 – 1954 Violet Ann 1884 –

219. Luke McNANEY 1878 – 1955 wife Maude FOUNTAIN 1887 – 1917

220. Father and Mother Francis M. McELROY January 21, 1942 68 years

Francis McELROY March 23, 1920 94 years

wife Ann MARREN December 23, 1917 78 years Natives of Ireland

221. Joseph BARRETT 1858 – 1934 wife Helena FINN 1869 – 1959

Their son John Edward 1902 – 1929

f/s John Edward BARRETT 1905 – 1929

222. Martin CONNOLLY 1858 wife Mary McNANEY 1864

dau Mary E. 1909 – 1930

223. Thos. S/o Wm. McNARNEY 1895 – 1912

224. McNARNEY William 1856 – 1931 wife Margaret 1855 – 1931

Margaret 1884 – 1960 Dennis 1886 – 1950

Amelia 1900 – 1931 Thomas 1895 – 1312

Charles 1892 – 1971 wife Irene 1898 – 1972

Mary O’CONNOR 1816 – 1895

225. William John McNARNEY July 28, 1928 – March 9, 1989

226. John F. McNARNEY August 2, 1888 – March 27, 1950

wife Margaret M. WYLIE April 11, 1897 – October 13, 1985

227. McNARNEY Etta 1889 – 1959 Will 1890 – 1964

228. Eleanor McNARNEY 1898 – 1963

229. Flora E. HEALEY June 15, 1887 – January 23, 1965 w/o Dennis HEALEY

230. In Memory of my Husband Dennis H. HEALEY 1888 – 1950

231. Francis James HEALY s/o Michael & Catherine HEALY

November 4, 1893 10 years 10 months

232. In Memory of My Parents Steve O’CONNOR 1854 – 1919

wife Annie O’NEILL 1865 – 1932

233. Veronica Mabel O’CONNOR October 30, 1904 – November 26, 1961

w/o Ross E. REYNOLDS

234. Joseph A. BRADAMORE March 15, 1883 – April 11, 1959

wife Margaret A. RYAN May 21, 1890 – April 2, 1965

235. Billy MULHERN 1911 – 1916

236. TOUGH P. Peter W. 1956 – 1971 Allan G. 1952 – 1971

237. Markers Only Maurice ANGIERS Margaret MARTIN



2008 update

500 -DUGGAN/ In Memory of/ Anne S. MARTIN/ Oct. 24, 1909–June 13, 1985

501 -John Alexander (Jack) McNANEY/ Mar. 23, 1936–Feb. 13, 2007/ son of John and Olive

502 -Peter Joseph McNANEY/ Dec. 15, 1934–Dec. 25, 1999/ son of John and Olive

503 -McNANEY/John P. McNANEY/ Oct. 1, 1906–Nov. 14, 1996/Olive H. FOLEY/ Mar. 4, 1907–Feb. 24, 1999

504 -In Loving Memory Of/John E. STEWART 1925-1989/
—————– Gladys M. MURPHY/1923–May 10 1989

506 -WHALEN/Leonard J. WHALEN/1921-1990/His Beloved Wife/Kathleen SWAINSON/1923-/Ever Remembered, Ever Loved

507-WHALEN/Joseph “Joe”/1930-/Joan HANNIVAN/1932-2006/In Loving Memory/Nov. 12, 1955

508 -WHALEN/In Memory Of/Greta/HOLM-LARSON/Nov. 12, 1933-Dec. 6, 2002/Claire Lawrence WHALEN/July 19, 1933-Aug. 23, 2001

509 -McCAUGHEY/In Memory Of/Robert James “Jim”/Aug. 25, 1927-Sept. 1, 1996/Rita Margaret WHALEN/Aug. 15, 1924-July 28, 2000

510 -HOSKINS/In Loving Memory Of/James HILL/Jan. 4, 1922-July 12, 1993/Beloved Husband Of/Edna GILKINSON/Nov. 18, 1924/Their Loving Daughter/Susan/Dec. 2, 1950

511 -FITZGERALD/In Loving Memory Of/John Patrick FITZGERALD/May 9, 1926-Jan. 15, 1995/His Loving Wife/Jean Rose CRAGGS/July 20, 1932/Loving Parents of Paul, Linda & ____________

512 -McNANEY/In Loving Memory Of/Luke F./Mar. 25. 1910–Sept. 26, 1991/Beloved Husband Of/Nellie DUNBAR/Oct. 24, 1912–Mar. 12, 2007/At Rest

513 -McCARTHY/In Loving Memory Of/Gerald M. McCARTHY/Feb. 19, 1952–Mar. 26, 1994/Beloved Husband Of/ Margaret A. BROWN/June 7, 1949–

514-FINN/In Loving Memory Of/Dennis Francis/1937-1995/Dolores C. ROTH/Gone But Not Forgotten/Loving Parents Of Patrick, Cathy, Tracey & Noella

515 -TOUGH/In Loving Memory Of/Our Dear Mother/Madeline Theresa(McNamee) Jan. 19, 1921–Mar. 19, 2006/Safe In The Arms Of Jesus

516 -McDONALD/Michael Charles McDONALD/1957-1987/Beloved Husband Of/Beverly CUTLER/Dear Father Of/______________

517 -RYAN/John DICKSON/1922-1987/Beloved Husband Of/Grace M. SHELDON/1926-2003/Beloved Son Peter J./1960-1975/Forever In Our Hearts

518 -FITZGERALD/Laura/1963-1994/Daughter/Michael/1953-1968/Son/Gone But Not Forgotten

519 -MURPHY/William Alphonsus/Aug. 11, 1942-Aug. 18, 1999/Ann (HOBAN)/Jan. 29, 1943/Aug. 11, 1999/Together Forever/Forever In Our Hearts–Maureen & Kyla

520 -DUGGAN/In Memory Of/Anne S. MARTIN/Oct. 24, 1909-June 13, 1985

521 -MARTIN/Margaret/Dec. 18, 1918-Jan. 31, 1992/Loving Sister And Aunt/R.I.P

522 -BURKE/Wilfred T. BURKE/1901-1975/His Wife/Kathleen M. CONDON/1898-1978/Gerard W. BURKE/1932-2005/William J. BURKE/1930-1953/Jarvis Francis/1933-1961

523 -McFADDEN/In Loving Memory Of/James D. (Jim) McFADDEN/Nov. 10, 1932-Jan. 20, 1981/Dear Son Of/Bert And Mary/McFADDEN

524 -McFADDEN/In Loving Memory Of/Thomas A. McFADDEN/1880-1958/Beloved Husband Of/Mary A. O’HARA/1898-1997/Their Son Michael/1929-1933

525–Craggs–Maurice Michael (Morley) 1943
Francis Leo (Franky)1939–1991)

526 -McFADDEN/In Memory Of/Albert (Abb) McFADDEN/Jan. 31, 1931-Nov. 12, 1985

527 -Bruce E. SMITH/Aug. 22, 1919-May 28, 1992/Beloved Husband Of/Catherine BARRETT/Sept. 13, 1913-Nov. 13, 2004

528 -Catherine MacDONALD/Wife Of/Alexander CAMERON/Died June 6th, 1907/Aged 77 Years/Rest In Peace

530 -TALBOT/Jack Douglas TALBOT/Dec. 5. 1920-Aug. 4, 1973/His Wife/Anna Marie McELROY/Feb. 6, 1919-June 27, 2001

531 -In Memory Of/William P. DUGGAN/May 9, 1890-Oct. 6, 1950/His Wife/Alma C. MARREN/Oct. 30, 1896-Nov. 16, 1981/Rest In Peace

532 -DUGGAN/In Loving Memory/Charles Patrick DUGGAN/Mar. 16, 1920-Sept. 27, 1996/Catherine Ida BELL/Nov. 7, 1918-Feb. 3, 1999/Cherished Parents Of __________

533 DUGGAN/In Loving Memory Of/Mary E. DUGGAN/Nov. 4, 1899–Nov. 24, 1975/Clarence V. DUGGAN/Jan. 22, 1900-Sept. 4, 1983/Alma E. DUFFAN/Feb. 3, 1910-Mar. 2, 2002

534 -DONNELLY/In Loving Memory Of/Frederick Patrick/Oct. 22, 1929-Apr. 19, 1996/Anne Marie McGEE/Dec. 23, 1930/Gone But Not Forgotten

535 -FITZGERALD/In Loving Memory Of/Leo Lawrence FITZGERALD/April 10, 1929-July 9, 2007/Beloved Husband Of/Mary Maude McNANEY/July 21, 1932-Dec. 24, 2000/And Their Children/Laura Jean/1963-1994/Michael Lawrence/1953-1968/Together Forever

536 -O’NEILL/In Memory Of/William S. O’NEIL/1893-1965/Beloved Husband Of/Margaret H. CONNOLLY/1902-1981536 -O’NEILL/In Memory Of/William S. O’NEIL/1893-1965/Beloved Husband Of/Margaret H. CONNOLLY/1902-1981

537 -McNAMEE/Vincent M. McNAMEE/Oct. 18, 1922-Jan. 20, 2007/Yvonne HARRINGTON/Aug. 24, 1925-Apr. 23, 2004/Eternal Rest

538-HENDERSON/Catherine Martin/(CONNELLY)/July 1, 1907-Sept. 22, 1989/Wife Of Leo James

540 -ROTH/In Loving Memory Of/Fred ROTH/July 10, 1901-May 20,1986/Beloved Husband Of/Helen McNaney/May 31, 1909-July 11, 2005

Recording Pattern

This cemetery recording was started at the south-west corner at Highway 505 and proceeded in a south to north-north to south pattern

Section A being #1 to 45

Section B being #46 to 141

Section C being #142 to 236

The 500 series is an update we did in 2008
The headstones are not necessarly in order but most are in the southern section–if your family member is missing –let us know and we wiil include that person (some may be duplicated)


Website Exec.

Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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