For the British Red Cross
November 2, 1916
The returns of collections in the Township of Rama in aid of the British Red Cross Society are a little late, the wet weather having delayed the work of those collecting. So far the returns show a substantial increase over last year. The amounts received at time of writing are as follows:
Rama Reserve School- $6.02
School Section No. 1- $10
School Section No. 2- $20
School Section No. 3- $5
School Section No. 4 and 5-not yet heard from.
School Section No. 6- through the local Red Cross Society- $183.24
Municipal Grant- $100
Making a total of $324.26.
On behalf of the Council, the Reeve desires to thank the teachers and children of the various schools for their efforts, and the ladies of the Longford Red Cross Society , who have more than doubled last year’s collections. He also thanks the ratepayers for their kindly response to the appeal.