January 25, 1917

The following has been sent to the PACKET by the Atherley Girls’ Auxiliary who are doing a splendid work for the soldiers. It is hoped they will receive the support they deserve. The contribution says:–

These letters show how much the boys away from home appreciate the Girl’s Auxiliary. We in turn whish to thank those who have contributed so generously to our Society. We are not publishing the entire letters, but the boys write that they will soon be in the trenches. This is the season we must put forth our best efforts to give the boys as many comforts as trench life will allow. The Society would like the co-operation of the Atherley and Uptergrove people in this great work. They can help us in many ways to raise money for the things that are not donated. Boxes for small contributions have been placed in the Atherley and Uptergrove stores. Once a month the Society will give a series of entertainments at the girl’s homes. The first one will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Gaudaur on January 31st. Every week a box is packed, and any member of our Society will be glad to receive donations of home cooking, as the boys enjoy it so much. Extracts from letters:—

“Oh, that Christmas cake from Canada! I tell you the boys and I thought it was fine. I am ever so much pleased with it. I thank you, dear friends of mine, very much. I am enjoying those woollen cuffs, they are just what I wanted, and that maple candy was great. Our battalion expects to go to France soon.”—-JAMES BURGESS

“I received the parcel from the Girl’s Auxiliary and I wish to thank you all very much, as there is nothing that cheers us up more than a box or letter, and no matter how much a person eats over here, in five minutes one is hungry again. I suppose you heard that there are 200 of our boys drafted to the front.” ROY NICHOLSON

“Just a few lines to thank the girls of the Patriotic Auxiliary for the fine box of Christmas goodies which I received in splendid condition and I can assure you I certainly appreciate your kind thoughtfulness in sending it. Please thank all the girls, and those who helped pack it, very kindly for me. Ican tell you when a fellow is over here away from all the friends, he knows, it seems to help things along a lot to know that those back home remember him, and although I spent rather a quiet Christmas I felt a whole lot more cheerful for having the remembrance which year Society sent.”—LAWRENCE WHITNEY

“Just a line to thank you for the box from the Girl’s Auxiliary. It was fine and I certainly enjoyed it. I wasn’t the only one to get the benefit from it by any means. All the fellows in the shack came in for their share. That is the way we work anything along the “eats” line. Every box that comes in, the other fellows always get their share too. So you see a box doesn’t last long, but we get a taste of home a few times a week.”—ALEX. LEITH

“Just a few lines thanking you and the other girls at Atherley for sending me the Christmas box. It came through fine and just in the right time. I had been out on the ranges all day and you know what a fellow would feel like after walking eight miles. Fifty of our men were drafted this week and we are to go next. I do not think it will be long, about two or three weeks, and it man not be so long.”—JAMES GOWANLOCK.


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