Photo of the day
Catherine Mayock (1790-1871)
Catherine Mayock (1790-1871)

    July 27, 1932

    The open-air service on Avery’s Point last Sunday evening was a great success. The attendance was very large between 300 and 400 being in attendances. The service was held on Mr. McRea’s lawn, and with the background of shrubbery and clear blue sky overhead, and the lake on either side, as still as a sheet of glass. The setting for the service was wonderful. As this was the first open-air service, special efforts were made to make it especially attractive. Two beautiful solos were rendered, one by Mrs. John Noble, soprano, from King street, Oshawa, and the other by Mrs. Scott, contralto, soloist from Erskine United church in Toronto. These were thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Miss Dorothy Young of Oshawa delighted the people by a reading “Sonny Boy”. The minister took his text from the scene in the life of Jesus, and delivered a very appropriate sermon. The service last Sunday was such a success that another will be held next Sunday, weather permitting at 7 p.m. Standard time. Plans are under way to have an orchestra lead the singing , and to have a greater supply of books. Mrs. Scott will sing again next Sunday, and her selection will be “The Man of Jubilee”. With Mrs. Scott’s beautifully and this will, we know greatly to the service, and will, in itself be worth coming to hear. The minister’s pick will be “Serious Problems Confronting Modern Youth”. Come early if you want a seat. Last Sunday scores had to stand. The public very cordially invited.


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