Photo of the day
Vern Clarke
Vern Clarke

    The Packet & Times
    Thurs. September 29, 1932

    On Sunday morning next Mr. C. E. Weeks, of Lindsay, one of the outstanding men of Lindsay Presbytery of the United Church, will give the message in the United church here. Mr. Weeks will take for his subject “Play the Game, Men.” This is an unusual event for this church. A men’s choir will lead in the worship of song. In the evening the young men of Udney will be in charge of the service.

    On Monday evening the young people of Udney church visited by invitation the Young People’s League of the United church here. The Udney young people presented a very fine programme. Violin solos by Mr. H. Speiran, vocal solo by Mrs. E. Wood. The devotional message was given in an excellent address by Mr. Elmer Wood. This was based on the Scripture lesson read by Miss V. Robertson. I. Cor. 13. Miss Widdifield gave a very concise and illuminating address on Clarles Dickens and his writings. The chair was ably taken by Mr. E. Robertson. The young people here served refreshments during the social hour. A return visit to Udney will be made at an early date.

    Large congregations assembled in the United church on Sabbath last, rally day. The young people’s choir rendered excellent service both morning and evening. The Misses Jean and Doris Johnston, Jessie Turnbull and Isabelle McDonald welcomed the morning gathering in a fitting recitation. Twelve boys presented a call to pray, work by love, in an acrostic exercise. The names of the twelve boys were Archie Young, Harold Stewart, Douglas Stewart, Bruce Smith, Kelly Turnbull, Alfred Speiran, Keith Harris, Bobby Juff, Henry Morgan, Ted Vickers, Tom Vickers, Wm. Newman. Mrs. D. Speedie and Fred Warren gave excellent messages on Sabbath school work. Mr. and Mrs. S. Graham presented their children for baptism. Fifteen persons recited the “Love” chapter 1. Cor. 13. and thus qualified for the evening walnut gift bowl. In the evening short and timely addresses on our young people’s work were given by Misses Adelyne Wood and Buelah Turnbull and Mr. D. Graham. A special feature of this service was a quartette by our juniors, Misses Iola Lamb and Doris Edwards and Masters Gordon Lamb and Archie Young. The church was tastefully decorated by the FMA Mission Circle.


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