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Why is it called Lake St. John?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:48 am
by The_PZA
Hi there.

I have a cottage on Lake St John, and have been going to it since I was born (I'm 36 now). I've always just accepted the name as is, but lately wondered how it got its name. Does anyone know a reason, like, was it named by the Black Robes or something?



RE: Why is it called Lake St. John?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:07 am
by KorySnache
My grandmother told me it once was called lake Sinjin by people from Rama which means "Smokey Lake" I think I spelt the word for smoky in Ojibwe right but when it was translated by Europeans it was changed to St John. Also another big misconception is the word for Lake Couchiching. it doesn't mean Lake of Many Winds as commonly believed but comes from "gwaji enjaawjiing" meaning "water flows in from outside" Probably means how the water flows in from the Severn River into Simcoe and back making the water rise and drop.