Photo of the day
Delia Maude Elliston Age 18
Delia Maude Elliston Age 18
    Mike Crosby continues to update postings in the family trees  They are usually  minor, most are related to family trees that were posted years ago, and since then new dates  or recent obits.  Mostly  exact dates and locations. Check out your family tree and if it needs small adjustments, let us know

Ramara Veterans —Every day is Remembrance Day

They all signed up to fight –non signed up to die—

A Soldier’s Appeal
March 9, 1916

I. J. McCorkell
Lieut. 116th Bn., C.E.F.
Beaverton, February 29, 1916

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January 25, 1917

The following has been sent to the PACKET by the Atherley Girls’ Auxiliary who are doing a splendid work for the soldiers. It is hoped they will receive the support they deserve. The contribution says:–

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From Lieutenant Arthur Dissette:
January 4, 1917

Writing to his father, Mr. Richard Dissette, of Toronto, (formerly of Mara Township), who spends the summer at Point Champlain.
Flight Lieutenant Arthur C. Dissette says:—
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Website Exec.

Submission Committee:
Frances Laver
Fred Lamb
Mike Crosby
Rick McNamee

Tom Mangan
Mike Crosby
Rob Byers
Frances Laver
Steve McIsaac
Herb Furniss

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Birthdates (Ramara)

On This Day
Deaths (Ramara)