The Expositor
Sept. 18, 1868
A picnic on a grand scale was held at St. Columbkill’s township of Mara, on the 10th inst., to aid in the erection of a new Catholic Church in process of construction at Brechin the corner stone of which was laid on the previous Sunday. There were over eight hundred of all denominations present, including a large number of the fair sex. Shaughnessy’s Brass Band from Barrie was in attendance, and added much to the entertainment of those present. Various games were participated in, and all were well pleased with the day’s entertainment.
The Rev. K. A. Campbell, P. P. of Mara, who by the way, appears to be a great favourite not only with his flock but the Protestants of Mara, Beaverton, & c., testified by the numbers of them we observed present at the picnic, and the liberality evinced by them, as we are informed, towards the Rev. gentleman in this undertaking, directed the proceedings, assisted by the Rev. G. P. Northgraves, P. P. of Barrie. The sum of $250 was realized clear of all expenses, which, with over $75 subscribed at the laying of the corner stone, will enable him to carry the work to completion by the time contemplated, viz., the 1st Nov. next.
The building, when completed will be 60 ft. long, 35 ft. wide, and 30 ft. to ceiling, with tower 12ft. Square, on which it is proposed to erect a spire next year. The cost of building, not including spire, will be a little over $3000. “We understand the reverend gentleman contemplates erecting a splendid church in this village next year, necessitated by the growing requirements of his flock in this vicinity and steps have already been taken to make a commencement.